THATS SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME HAPPY!? :shock: I wasted 3 min of my life watching a poptart cat poop rainbows! :$
Feather, I am a tad bit malcontent with you. My finger hovers perilously over the attack and spy button, even though you don't care that much about it. A family matter just popped up, so I'll be leaving on the morrow for three days. After that, I can only hope your hostile mood has changed for the better. Ta-ta!
Freerunning - the term sickens me Parkour actually gets you places. Who needs flips and tricks? I'm not staying cuz I'm grounded, so adios.
NO NO NO NO NO THEY ARE NOT! I SWEAR TO GOD THIS IS MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE!!!! D:< PARKOUR - The art of getting from point A to B as fast as possible using only the body. (wallrunning, vaulting etc.) FREERUNNING - Flips and tricks. Mostly flips. THATS IT. DO NOT CONFUSE THE TWO. THE FANCY-SOUNDING ONE IS AN ART/LIFESTYLE, THE CRAPPY-NAMED "FREERUNNING" IS JUST A GLORIFIED TERM FOR FLIPPING.