The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. It's homecoming week here sooo...
  2. Im fin here, its my bday .
  3. Happy bday Maro
  4. Am I the only one who is seriously confused what TeamMojang are doing?
  5. with minecraft?

    Or RS?
  6. Wait, nvm.

    1.9 is gonna be WIN
  7. To everyone who does not know who I am:

    My laptop broke (Yay? :cry:) so i will not be on as much. Don't miss me strangers!!!!
  8. Ikr. But 1.8, 11 days later and 1.9 prerelease comes out. >.<
  9. Feather, for your information, I do know how to read. Just because I didn't mention the part where your grandmother (wtf?!?!) made you vow to Not post on a thread in FanFic other than yours, doesn't mean I didn't mean that.
    What I said is "Your Grandmother made you vow not to post on any thread," which, is not what you really said, but I believed that people here were intellectual enough to Understand that I meant that!
  10. No. You're illiterate, apparently. You aren't intellectual. You are more puerile than you are intellectual. You need to work on your comprehension. I know reading is a hard concept, but you'll grasp it with practice, I promise!
  11. So, mayhaps you believe what you are saying, but I stay indifferent; and hope the VideoGame/Real Life differences betwixt us stays the same.
    Now please stop your ruthless ranting. I know you are precariously perched on leaving again, though I don't really care at the moment.
    Leave your life problems off of KaW, and please cease the pointless insults upon all sentient beings which you feel are below you.

    G'day sir.
  12. I auditioned for the school play!

  13. Looks like Feather's back to being an ass again, and Pim's auditioned for a play!

    -.- to Feather
    Gratz to Pim!

    I have to speak Romeo's lines from the balcony scene tomorrow in class... I can do freaking amazingly in Math and Science but I just can't bring myself to speak forced words that I couldn't care less about :(
  14. Oh, and I may have found a way to play minecraft after my programming excercises are done in C class!


  15. Well I can't broken laptop lose????
  16. Well I know I'm in, I just don't know if I get a legit part or not