The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. A fan.
    You are amazing.
  2. Do any of you know this guy?
  3. He just showed up. Feather thought he was you in disguise.
  4. Typical Feather
  5. Clearly hasn't changed.

    Yo -Shard- dude. Read FTLoC or For The Love of Cookies.
  6. Anyways, it's been like, a week. How have you been?
  7. PARADOX!!!!!!!....YOU...YOU...YOU...Urgh....!!!!!!
  8. It's like a minion. 
    I've been doing stuff.

    By the way, 9 days
  9. I'm no MINION!!!

    Also, good story ^_^

    different to the others...
  10. So what happened in the 9 days that I disappeared for?
  11. BTW paradox, if you're not staying then that's the end of FTLOC.
  12. But if I am staying…
  13. Then I'll write the next chapter, and we continue as before.
  14. Idk, haven't paid much attention
  15. No new mods...

    Para... So... Will you be staying...?
  16. One more. Jlack-Jbird or something of the sorts.
  17. I just found out that J3lackJ3ird got mod...

    How exactly? He was funny, an' all... But not exactly like Sexwulf...
  18. I'm starting to think that there's a mod curse.
    After a player becomes mod they seem to fall inactive quick...or at least forum inactive...