My Thoughts on Fan Fiction

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Marodo, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. As featherhunter's thread (Dysfunction) set on Fan Fiction, it caused the possible loss of a few FF Legends.

    And in reply to this (sorry for considered spam post :/)

    In my memory, KaW's FF was my oasis, i'd come here and see the beautiful stories from these especially gifted writers. A good place to vent to those who actually care and won't "troll". I love fan fic and all who inhabit it.

    Everyone, i can't bear to see this new thread, please stop bumping it. It's a pain to me and a bad stain on Fan Fiction.

    @FeatherHunter, life is hard. I know, but you gotta keep your head held high and take the blows. (sorry if i misunderstood your thread).

    Like I said, you all are amazing, but everyone has their faults. Basically, you just have to have an open mind about everything. If someone's nasty to you, you reply with kindness and stay as calm as possible. For all you know, they could be going through the hardest time in their life.

    My conclusion is that we should return fanfic to it's original state, a kind secure oasis. And it will be hard.

    Sadly, i haven't even mastered what im trying to explain, so im not in the position to say it. And i know for sure i will get hatred for this, but ill be staying and lurking forever. And sorry if this offended anyone. :/
  2. It's fine, and I know what you mean in a sense.
  3. Someone took it Differently. My words are odd, i can never truly explain what i think, i always end up offending someone or making someone angry, the second one was already accomplished
  4. Hulk approved
  5. Iron, please stop with the gifs.
    It's overkill...
  6. Its k, i dont mind em,
  7. It's my signature
  8. You understood it, Marodo.

    I act in real life just like I do on here (except less angry). Certain people on here or shall I say one person, likes to call me egotistical. Well, I'm not. I don't change for anyone. I acknowledge I'm popular (I hate that word! It sounds so scandalous!) in real life. Not to be conceited or audacious but I think I've made one of the largest impacts on Fan Fic. Not the use of "one of" meaning there are more large impacts made by others to.
  9. Feather the only way you've made an impact on FF is to get legends to leave. That's not a good impact.
  10. @iPim ahaha that's funny like u just say it straight out.
  11. Pimella, if that's what you think.

    I was almost about to write a very angry post, but then I remembered! I have to ignore it! Man, I'm not even angry anymore!
  12. Get Half-Life just in case, Feather.
  13. Feather u made a huge impact on fanfic but remember, theres very few impacts. A lot of the other writers were more impactish then u, but then again, theres still people like me and marando or whats your face who made thiss thread>.< yea i do the same thing. Words suck.
  14. I agree with Madoro



    Don't leave just because someone pissed u off. Ignore it who cares what what they think of you or your stories.

    No one knows me but that is what I think and I feel that it should be known even if I have only been lurking if ff for a couple months