The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I refuse to apologize. Instead, I'll just repress any negative comments about Feather.

    *tries not to explode*
  2. Feather, I'm ignoring your last comments. I expect better from you.
  3. That includes you Feather
  4. Cheese, I used to hate you, but now, I'm kinda tired of fighting.
  5. And Cheese.

    We are dropping this conversation. Anyone has a problem, feel free to leave.

    Everyone else,

    How goes the writing?
  6. Feather!? Tired of fighting!?

    Eh, screw it. I don't have the time nor the will to post witty remarks.

  7. School starts tomorrow :(
  8. I've gotten about 2 words in >.<
  9. Well since irin says stop I'l stop
    *mutters apology*
  10. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sincerelysemi-(not really)apologetic! :evil:

    PS: Just putting this out there, what if the person is being mendacious when they apologize?
  11. Sorry Irin but I have to say this. It's old news and I probably should've voiced my opinion long ago.

    This is starting to get on my nerves, sorry if I piss a few of you off but...
    FF is NOT a hierarchy. Sure some of us may be better writers than others but does that give us control over others in Fan Fiction? No doesn't. We can control spam, give advice, give help, point others in the right direction and report to mods and admins and what not but in the end we are all equal.
    Better and veteran writers should help newer writers rather than just saying: "This is bad, rewrite it."
    I know for a long time in the forums there is a "hierarchy" Vets, regulars, noobs and what not. But really, vets wouldn't be anything if no one looked up to them.
    I don't want FF to be like the rest of the forums with "hierarchy". It might be unavoidable but I just wanted you guys to know what I really think about it all.
  12. I start school Wednesday. I have a book to read for school, trying to finish now. Was interrupted. I should go back soon.


    If you don't mean it, don't say it. I said apologies should be issued. Did I say must? No. The least you could to to preserve what little integrity you have left is to stop the fighting.
  13. I wont be writing for a while, I've got a whole summer project to do in 2 days
  14. A new era of Fan Fic has been made today. Try to survive this one everyone.

    We're now entering: The Hunger Games

    An era without an hierarchy, nor a monarchy.
  15. My last post doesn't apply to Stora. At least shes trying to help me preserve Fan Fiction.
  16. So can we just press the reset button on all this and carry on? Friends?
  17. Karl, good luck with that. After I finish the book I've got some major math to do. Dx
  18. Could we stop talking about school here I'm bored of it already , save that stuff for off topic
    ~ Vęrøńįçâ
  19. It's a shame that you think FF as that way now feather.
    I've always seen FF as a community.