The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. T-T I killed writers cafe!
  2. Pretty good, even though I'm not a WC fan.

    But nice :)
  3. Unexpected comment! O.O
  4. Chapter One of Defiance is up and running!
  5. I'd always wanted to read a story about people getting fat  it would be hilarious! I'f you ask me why I'm posting this my response will be I wasnt in my right mind.
  6. Ok here it is the first look at my first story it probably isn't that good but o well


    The sun rose above the tree line, just as it did before the great uprising only now it didn't feel the same. It feels like I've lived in two different worlds, one peaceful and at ease, the other, this one, full of war and violence where survival takes priority against everything else. I wish I could have just gone back to those days, before the great uprising. That all happened about a year ago, the USA had military presence in just about every country, leaving the mainland almost completely defenseless. Many people were more than upset with the corruption in the government, leading to the great uprising. They destroyed the government and soon after lawlessness fallowed. People formed groups called settlements and those settlements were like a country. It was March 9th, 2014 when the great uprising started. I was 17 years old when it happened. My name is Sterling and I am a scout for the settlement of North Estate.

    Chapter 1:

    I put on my black biking gloves, put up the hood on my black sweatshirt, and opened the drawer at the head of my bed in the barracks. Inside was some spare clothing, a 22caliber rifle, a combat knife, and a XD9 pistol, as well as ammo and some spare mags. I put the bullets in the magazines and put one of them in the XD9 and the other three in the pockets of my jeans. I loaded up my 22 and made sure the safety was on then put the strap on my shoulder, then I made sure the safety was on my XD9 and put that in the holster on the right side of my belt, and I slipped the knife in it's sheath on my left. I was all set for my scout mission and left the barracks and waited for my partner. The barracks was made from some sort of big wooden building, then we had about three houses, a destroyed one, and a cafeteria/general store. Surrounding the settlement was a wall made from scrap metal, and stuff like cars. The gate was simply an opening in the wall with a walkway to go over it on and a garage door. "Sterling, you ready?" a voice asked. It was my partner Will, he was 17 which was a year younger then me. He was about average height had light brown hair and green eyes. He wore jeans with a tan shirt under a jacket and carried some sort of submachine gun, I think it was a MP5. "Ya let's go, we need to map out the area 1.7 miles southwest of here," I replied. We then made our way to the gate which the sentries opened for us.
  7. I'm serious a story about a guy and a girl who are skinny and then become boyfriend and girlfriend then decide to gain weight together it could be called an extra large romance
  8. Oh no i posted my idea didn't I 
  9. Hoping to post a chapter a day let me know what u think of it I'll probably start a thread for it tomorrow
  10. It's not bad, I personally think it has a tich too much description. But that's just me.
  11. I've finished the next two chapters I will post them and the first two in a new thread tomorrow
  12. Ok I got my story up it's Collapse (story and feedback) for anyone who wants to check it out
  13. How is it that Revolution gets almost no feedback and all the other stories get tons?

    I honestly think it's cuz people don't like it as much as the others.

    Be honest, now!
  14. Revolution gets more feedback than my story For The Love Of Cookies cheese.
    I don't know why people don't leave feedback on that story...the only reason I can think that...
  15. Change that my to mine and paradox's*
    Made a mistake there
  16. I have to agree with Stora.
    Revolution gets tons of feedback and FTLoC gets none.
    FF is full of meanie poos.
  17. To be honest, I haven't been reading stuff on FF much. I just...I dunno. I've been reading published books more. And maybe it's cause I've been gone for awhile and there's a lot to catch up on...But I'll make an effort to read more. Starting...tomorrow.

    Everyone start bugging me to read their stories. Wait, that might get overwhelming....gahh!
  18. A raven among the doves gets virtually no feedback either sooo...
    We're all in the same boat.
  19. How do you beat Writer's block??