The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Who were you talking to winters
  2. Feather. Why did you close Proper RolePlay????!!!!
  3. He was probably realizing mine was as good as his is
  4. I was thinking featherhunter quit for awhile...darn if only that had happened then everything would have peace and unity in fan fic
  5. I've started writing a story that takes place in 2015 the US overreached military in almost every country leaving them nearly defenseless and a mostly civilian rebellion took place which lead to rebellions in many other countries. Now the world is almost completely lawless from all the many civil wars. People started forming settlements but they are very isolated from each other, and whenever one settlement meets another it usually means war.

    Let me know what u guys think about the background of the story. Not sure what I'm gunna do with it quite yet, probably post it in fan fiction and leave it at that gunna try to finish the first few chapters today
  6. Sounds good. But before you post it, post the first chapter here so you can figure out what you can fix before you "release it".
  7. Yay! I only need to write one more chapter of Atlantric(or two maybe) and it'll be finished!
  8. All right! Who wants to read the prologue to my next story?!

    Date: The 54th Year of the Silver Dominion

    Location: Fervia, Lakechant Archeological Site

    Time: 9 past Zenith.

    Professor Lakechant gazed at the piles of documents that lay before him. Years of research, compiled into one office. He ran his sleeve across his brow. All his work, every bone, every artifact, every ruin that he had unearthed amounted to this last dig. He stood up and left his tent.
    Outside, two of the three suns were already setting, casting a brilliant amber shade across the entire skyscape. Below, on the dig site, which extended almost to the horizon, slaved away hundreds of native workers, all looking for the same thing. Lakechant thought the heat to be unbearable, but the natives could easily perform hard labour in this merciless desert.
    Caught up in his musings, the professor did not see Aurelius, his apprentice, who was overseeing the dig, come running up to him.

    "Sir! Professor Lakechant, sir!"

    The professor spun on his heels,

    "Yes boy? What is it?"

    "I think--" The boy began,

    "What?! Spit it out!" Snapped the professor, made anxious by the sweltering heat.

    "I think-- I think we have it."

    The professor immediately started running, "Where?! Where did you put it?!"

    "It's in my rest tent, sir."

    The professor started sprinting. He attained a speed quite unusual for someone of his age and status. Upon reaching the tent, he threw aside the door flaps. He stopped. His eyes widened.

    "The Gods are with us," he whispered.

    The tent was poorly lit, but one could make out a small, leather-bound book lying on the oak desk. The professor picked it up, careful not to damage the age-old binding. The apprentice looked over his shoulder,

    "Sir?" He asked.

    "Boy, if there's one thing that you must call your legacy, let this be it."

    "I'm not sure I understand, sir."

    Lakechant looked up at his apprentice.

    "Oh," the professor said, "but you will."

    And then he opened the book.

    **** you camotan12.


    IronHulk, the rp wasn't moving in the right direction. Plus, I realized I was being very narcissistic and conceited when I thought only I could create role-plays. It's time we reinforce the no rp rule.
  10. Let this RP stay, winters.
  11. Will anybody read FTLOC?
  12. *sits down in old usual seat which I haven't sat in for months*

    A few changes in the staff eugh? And a new floor! Very classy!
  13. I'll read FTLoC
  14. Hey y'all! I'm nearly done the first chapter in Defiance̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̤̥̦̩̪̫̬̭̮̯̰̍̎̄̅̿̑̆̐͒͗͑̇̈̊, hope you like it!!!
  15. Everyone's making stories... Now nobody will notice my lack of story>:D
  16. I'm thinking of posting my book... I'm scared O.O
  17. Just do it. >.>
  18. <.< fine. It's my first book tho so be nice.
  19. Prologue

    "I'm a ThunderClan warrior!" Tigerkit yowled loud enough for StarClan to hear. "No, you're not, you're a ThunderClan KIT. Now hush, I don't envy the hunting patrols. Also, what if you couldn't be a ThunderClan warrior because y-" My mother
    Cinderheart silenced my father, Lionblaze, with a glare. I have noticed they have been
    fighting a lot lately. So I go to the Medicine cat's den and help my uncle Jayfeather. He says he appreciates my help, but I can tell in his eyes he is worried because I was never meant to be born, I was a mistake.
    I wasn't meant to be born because of this prophecy that lingers over my father's, Jayfeather's, Dovewing's, Ivypelt's,and my shoulder. It says "There will be three kin of your kin who hold the power of the stars in their paws." It was given to Firestar, ThunderClan's leader by a cat named Skywatcher. Wondering how I know all this? Because I am related to the three, so I have all their powers. I am also part of Hollyleaf she is like my guardian kind of like Tigerstar and Hawkfrost whom guide me in my dreams.