The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Hey, Feather. What's with the caps?
  2. Hey umm can someone read my story  I actually spent a couple minutes writing it.
  3. Hey Irin , Your stories r awesome. Your great at writtibg. Some of the things i used to write werent so good at least to me.

    ~ PoisonFang
  4. Maybe. *salutes*
  5., thanks, I think.

  6. Hey Col, how have you been?
  7. I've been pretty good. And you?
  8. Pretty good. We've had some nasty weather here, but it's pretty much gone now.
  9. Ph yeah. Irene right?
  10. Yep. That thing was massive. But it's finally starting to weaken.
  11. Yeah. We were really lucky that it wasn't worse.
  12. Or should I call you forsaken? Or guardian?
  13. Whatever you want. Lol
  14. HI BUTT. Lol jk
  15. I recently updated kaw chronicles one...