copyright issues hulk the writer Irin hunter is a fake name for four people also they stated we could use their subject to rp with, furthermore I bid you farewell, when you post that....well....see you in court
I do believe the name those authors are using is ERIN hunter, not Irin, because I am not in any way affiliated with them. Anyway, to anyone that possibly cares, I'm actually writing. (I know! Like OMG, right?) The question is if I can 'beat the storm' and post it before the power goes out. We shall see.
Thanks cam. Now I feel really bad...and I think I lost Broken...BUT as soon as I find it I shall post. Yippie! Who woulda thunk it would take a hurricane to get me off my lazy *** and start writing?
In my defense, I've been writing some wicked poems. So that kinda took away from it. Anyway, guess what! I found Broken!
Hey, poems count! Especially when there bleepin long and epically awesome! which mine are! So there! Sorry, I'm a bit edgy today...
...nah, cooked crab is fine. Or salmon stuffed with crab meat. Or scallops. Or meat! Yummmm. I never really understood vegetarians....