The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. That crazy Zaln!

    Bu-dum tsh.
  2. copyright issues hulk the writer Irin hunter is a fake name for four people also they stated we could use their subject to rp with, furthermore I bid you farewell, when you post that....well....see you in court
  3. The invention of the noob:

  4. Damn need to get better at bbcoding
  5. I do believe the name those authors are using is ERIN hunter, not Irin, because I am not in any way affiliated with them.

    Anyway, to anyone that possibly cares, I'm actually writing. (I know! Like OMG, right?) The question is if I can 'beat the storm' and post it before the power goes out. We shall see.
  7. Heck I'm not posting it here I'm just writing it I'm not shoeing it to anyone
  8. Thanks cam. Now I feel really bad...and I think I lost Broken...BUT as soon as I find it I shall post. Yippie!

    Who woulda thunk it would take a hurricane to get me off my lazy *** and start writing?
  9. In my defense, I've been writing some wicked poems. So that kinda took away from it. Anyway, guess what! I found Broken!
  10. Lol well poems don't count unless you compile them into a book
  11. Hey, poems count! Especially when there bleepin long and epically awesome! which mine are! So there!

    Sorry, I'm a bit edgy today...
  12. Lol more like crabby
  13. Crabby is the same thing as on edge but fun to say lol
  14. Meh. I think it sounds like I'm bitter.
  15. No sounds like you taste like crab lol
  16. Raw crab that is lol
  17. ...nah, cooked crab is fine. Or salmon stuffed with crab meat. Or scallops. Or meat! Yummmm.

    I never really understood vegetarians....