is it worth it to reset after LC?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ZachGhost, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. It took me 3 months to get lc and a bunch of people told me that red star did it and it helps you. It that true?
  2. It helps, but isnt worth it.
  3. Yes. You get bonuses. Read Sexwulf's post.
  4. IMO if you have pro packs it isn't worth it.
  5. I don't think so.
  6. Do you have to se buy the lands?
  7. You basically start all over. So yes.
  8. But you still have access to the HL
  9. So you have to pay like1 bill for more lowland?
  10. Dude, you start from scratch.
  11. Lol so it's not worth it
  12. It is if you have the time and money.
  13. It's very worth it if you havn't been LC long.
    Also, with practice and a coordinated group you can LC much faster than your current rate. I believe there's several guides in this section just for that purpose.
  14. Yeah... If you wanna reset don't grow any further than your last land...
  15. Read sexwulfs post will answer it the best
  16. Wow I have almost LC for the second time and it has taken me about a week. A week of pwarring :p
    It's not worth it
  17. Long Term yes, short term, no.
  18. I'm planning on reseting the whole 15 times, but it depends on how long it takes you to LC, how long till you quit, and if your clan needs you right now.
  19. I believe cor summed it up well. If planning on being a here and there player, then probably not worth it so much. But if planning on being around and playing for a long while it will be the difference between being stronger or weaker than other hlc players!