I get out of bed, slowly walking to the edge of the ship and wonders how fat down it Is. Dark: Wait. Let him get closet to you, when he is, kill him. Like the others. Pull the blade into his throat! Light: Stay. He's only trying to help you. Don't worry, he can handle the anger you hold deep inside *coughdarkcough*
I creep farther down the hallway to where the vampire is sleeping. I hear I sound coming from another room and try to hide, only to knock into a suit of armor on the wall and make his sword fall. "****!" I mumble while I pick up the sword and hide it, hoping no-one heard me.
I look at the horizon, searching for any signs for HQ and see none. I lock the wheel and walk over to Narikio. "You ok?" I ask.
I turn, my hand gripping his throat and my eyes are glazed with anger and coldness. "Never. Ever. Ever touch me!" I snarl at the Elf.
I stay still for a few seconds, until I know no-one heard me. I look at the sword more, and realize this is written on the sword: H̡̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̤̥̦̩̍̎̄̅̀́̕͘ I look at it closer, trying to understand what it means, before I strap it over my back. I see an airship in the distance and decide to get back to the vampire later. As I step outside, seeing the airship flying, I wonder why someone would be flying over here.
"Well, sorry. I was trying to help you." I hiss. "We're going somewhere, be careful there." Is all I say, and then I return to the wheel.
My master says in my mind intruuuderrr Getty him I walk toward the intruder and yell "why follow me I'f you saw me destroy the elf Capitol do you get a kick out of me killing? I could realeae you or I could keep you here as an apprentice choose!"
I look puzzled "I did kill many towns yesterday but I remember all their screaming faces you were not one of them and you weren't at the battle for the elf Capitol. Soo what you talkin bout Willis!"
"I was inside the forest when I woke up. The only food I have ever gotten was stealing from them or eating their dead bodies, which I sometimes had to. Now you've ruined it all for me, there are no other towns close to there that weren't destroyed."