The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Perhaps turned and fled? Just a suggestion.
  2. I just read one of the greatest mangas ever!!!!!!!!!! It was sooooo good!!!!!!!!
  3. BTW YouTube the song sukura kiss string version. It's really nice!!!
  4. Uh huh... So uh what manga Pervallelite? And sukura o.0?

  5. Zaln's alt????....Don't call me Pervallelite
    It's called Beauty Pop by Arai, Kiyoko.
    It's a song called Sukura Kiss....BTW what does sukura mean anyway?
  6. Lovebird....

    Nahhhh, just kidding with you 
  7. This is my alt indeed. And are you suggesting that we read Beauty Pop as well? And Sukura... Eh I know what Sakura is lol.

  8. :eek: NO WINDY THINGIES?!
  9. Eh I'm too lazy to do them on this one.

  10. Lol how do you do em??? >.<
  11. Secret. Btw you gotta add me on Steam bro. We should totally TF2 haha

  12. Blechhh I'm banned from computer for a while. >.> <.<
  13. Seriously? Dang lol. I'm tired of beating up Cheese xD

  14. XD You would just kill me. I suck. .-. My computer has way too much lag for games. The thing is my dad works at intel. >.>

    Zaln, you didn't do Shiz to me!

    I totally disguised as you and killed half your team! >:D
  16. What game is this?
  17. Team Fortress 2

    'nut said
  18. ༄Psh. Cheese tried to get an whole bunch of easy kills off me when I started my first game with him. I ended up shooting the sucker ;P༄

  19. Oh, you mean that match! The one where I was trying to teach you how to taunt?