The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I use old fashion expressions to refrain from other more modern and more vulgar expressions.
  2. ༄Whaat?! You say that :0༄

  3. ༄You meant to say baaaaad words :0༄

  4. No. That's why I say goodness gracious.
  5. Hey go to poems. And please comment on my poems and vote for your favorite
  6. Did I miss the free cake?!
  7. ༄No Stora. You missed out on Irin's "Internet Bumper Sticker" and using "Goodness Gracious" to cuss me out lmao.༄

  8. My story is a romance set in Japan during world war 2. Not exactly a typical romance though :)
  9. Internet bumper sticker? Never heard of that before
  10. Hey I updated my story Hell on Earth. I know it's been a while. Read, comment, and review on the feedback page please. Thanks Doc
  11. Tables have turned on me. This is behind the scenes look at the night of August 1st, 2011.


    If you can't see it, I'll tell you what it said. Oh, btw, this all went down after everyone left... well cheese was semi-lurking.

    Start from the bottom up.
  12. ༄Those pics are too small on the PC -.-༄

  13. Lol.

    Basically, this new idiot boy named akatsuke was like, you need to breathe? Take the dick out your mouth or whatever. So I unleashed a wave of cruel words, then cheesemuffin started calling my mom a dirty whore. I now know where my true friends lie.
  14. ༄Oh... Well cheese should have stayed out of the fight...༄

  15. He also called me FeatherCunter.
  16. Hello people of the writing cafè go to poems and comment on my poems PLEASE