The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. ༄*iZaln༄

  2. never heard of that genre
  3. ༄Where's the bumper to stick that on though? Lol.༄

  4. ༄*iZaln༄


    iPS. Jeez...
  5. ...oh geez....
  6. ༄Hehehe, it was a bumper sticker haha.༄

  7. ...? Golly gee wilikers. I cant talk to you anymore.
  8. Hi guys! I've started posting an original story on fictionpress. It is in the young adult section, titled Sakura. My pen name is SleightofWords. Please either leave a review there, comment here, or wall me with constructive criticism. Thank you!! <33
  9. I like medieval times, futuristic, fantasy, magic, Greek gods, scifi, aliens, shapshifters
  10. Sounds interesting, Skye. What's it about?
  11. ༄What's wrong Irin? And try a story with aliens in a medieval time!༄

  12. A futuristic fantasy set in medieval times with magic greek gods and then shapeshifter aliens can take over! Mwahahaha. Or if that doesn't work out, then maybe shapeshifter aliens can attack a New York or something.
  13. You really have to ask that, Zaln?
  14. ༄Yes ma'am.༄

  15. What's wrong feather?

    @Zaln...goodness gracious.
  16. ༄RP arguing to tiring Fea? And Irin, goodness gracious lol?༄
