The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Valkyrie, its not even close.
  2. The second longest thread was 4,000 something pages long.
  3. Blumpy's bar and grill or QQ diner dance club
  4. 
    ~ 
  5. 

    ~ 
  6. 
    ~ 

    It won't fit on walls 
  7. It's very pretty, though.
  8. And don't forget, TN3U was 1,800 pages.
  9. KaW town was over 10000.


    It felt right
  10. No, tn3u was on the verge of beating Kaw town. Kaw town was 4,500 something, and tn3u was 4,300 something when the Devs deleted it.
  11. I updated he'll on earth yesterday if anyone cares
  12. gmhrgmhrmghrmhghrhgmhrhgmhrmhghrmghrm... -.- I'm back from Europe and I arrived at like... 2am -.-
  13. I haven't left my house all summer

    And now.. I think my computer got hit by a serious virus.
  14. :shock: That could suck.
  15. I think it fixed itself... I hope to god it doesn't happen again.