Feather, it's okay. I'm going to put some reinforcements to make it explosion proof. According to Ella. But there aren't any bathrooms now, are there..? BECAUSE YOU DEMOLISHED TGE PLACE!
Ugh. I hate typos. I meant to say, *the. So just to review, There is nothing left because Zaln foolishly tried to set fireworks off...inside the building.
After thinking about it, I dont think it was Stora. She's to nice. I think... Zaln had Stora under mind control!!!!
Hey everyone chapter 3 is now up in my story Stranded, check it out and leave me some feedback on my forum/thread for it thanks
I. Am. So. Bored. How to cure writer's block anyone? Or if you wanna RP, follow me then pm me :3 since I can't start any here >_>