Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Koyuki, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Hey guys!

    If you're like me in any way, and have an alt, you might have thought to yourself, at least once: "How will I get ahead? I barely have money to buy a forge in this account but in my main I get 500mil per hour!"
    Well, think no more! (Not that you're really thinking)
    This guide will show you the secrets of transferring money between accounts and as an added bonus the loss statistics of each one, with scenarios in which the transfer should be and shouldn't be used.

    This is the method everybody knows: you start playing the game with your alt, and volley him/her until you run our of money.
    Depending on which situation you are in, this could be your best method, or your worst.

    BEST CASE SCENARIO: You have this friend that makes tons of money. For now, let's call him $. $ doesn't mind keeping your alt after you volley, and you volley your alt with him until you can't, and he keeps.
    Loss rate for you: None. You actually gain money by doing this.
    Loss rate for $: somewhere around the 98.59%

    WORST CASE SCENARIO: You are clanless, or have no friends, being the generally unlikable person that you are, and you decide to volley your alt with, guess who? WC. You hire away, gradually spending the 8bil that you amassed over the last week. And then, the worst happens: You hire, and your alt doesn't get hired back (dum Dum DUM!). In this case, you can either keep the alt or drop him/her:
    Loss rate for you: Somewhere around the 98.59%
    Loss rate for you: Somewhere around the 95%

    This is a method ideal only for starting players, since in any other way the alt will get between only 1% of your cash to 3%, depending on your method.

    2nd Method: THE DROP VOLLEY

    You walk down your hypothetical KaW street (there are no streets in KaW) and think to yourself: "Hmm... if the regular volley doesn't work, what can I do?". And then it hits you! (Not the pole, that would be slightly stupid and amazingly hilarious) You can buy your ally, then drop your ally, then hire your ally, then drop your ally, then hire your ally, then drop your ally, until your eyes go red from staring at the computer screen for the past 3 hours and your ally still hasn't reached 70mil.
    This could be either one of the hardest and mediocre methods, or one of the hardest and worst methods. It's hard either way, so have that in mind.

    BEST CASE SCENARIO: You have 8bil on you (You need that much) and your alt only costs 500mil. You hire, then drop, and so on, until after... let me check (Yes, I do know how to calculate these things, why else would I write this guide?) 40 hires and 40 drops your ally finally costs 750k and you lost money somewhere between 1bil to 1.5bil.
    Your loss rate: between 96% to 98%

    WORST CASE SCENARIO: You have 1bil on you and your alt costs 1bil. You buy him/her and drop, expecting a full refund. The problem? Your money decreases by a whopping 43% (Ally drop rate is 57%. I checked) and your alts value only drops by 20%, making you effectively lose almost half of your money to give your probably overpriced alt 1mil.

    3rd Method: THE TWO WAY TRANSFER

    So you're reading this guide, and you have an alt that can save up 500mil easily and is at max plunder (IMPORTANT!!!!!!). And you think to yourself: "But Do! You've only shown me methods of LOSING money, not transferring!". And as your thought goes through your thick head, you see a method that you haven't seen before. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, THE AMAZING TWO WAY METHOD.
    PLAGIARISM ACCUSATIONS DENIAL: This is a method many players use. I'm not stating that this is MY method, or that I came up with it. Someone showed me this method and I tweaked it a little bit to get a lower loss rate, while calculating the formula for losses and gains (This took me a whole of 4 days, you ungrateful bastards!).
    So how does this wonderful method work?
    First off, if you don't have enough willpower to save your money, keep this up for 3 hours straight, or stop trolling on my wall (not that someone is trolling on my wall; I'm just saying, if you troll on my wall, this method isn't for you since I've probably farmed your cash away by now :D).
    Second, this is the 3rd best method for transferring money, since the best way of course is that someone else transfers it to you, and the second best will be revealed soon.
    The method you've all been waiting for:
    You hire an ally, and volley it with your alt until your pitiful alt runs out of money. Then, you drop it. Simple, right? Not really, no.
    This method can transfer whopping sums of 25mil per ONE HUNDRED MILLION GOLD. So if you use this fast method with an alt that has 1bil on him/her, you effectively transfer approximately 250mil, since it all depends on the starting price and the amount of luck you have.

    BEST CASE SCENARIO: This has only happened to me, your favorite (not really) transfer expert (still, not really) the whole of 3 times. Which, according to the game mechanics, is three times too much. The best case scenario is if you don't lose money at all: you transfer, and you get a gain of 5% the amount you transferred: for example, you transfer 100mil and lose only 95mil.
    This will only happen randomly and without any formula, despite my ongoing calculations: If I find out, I'll tell you (Maybe. Someday. Not really. NO!)
    Loss rate: -5%

    AVERAGE CASE SCENARIO: You transfer money to your alt, and get the normal average loss rate.
    Loss rate: varies between 15% to 33.333333333333(and so on)%

    WORST CASE SCENARIO: You see the method, and automatically buy a 100mil ally and volley it up to, say, 430mil, in 30 hires (15 hires each).
    The catch? Amazingly high loss rate.
    Loss rate: varies between 50% to 35%.


    Calculate the amount of gold you will have after transfer (Your amount of cash=$), which is 1.25$.
    Then, divide it by (Get this, and memorise since I'm only typing it once) 200. Yes, you heard me, 200. So if 1.25$ ($ times 1.25) equals , you need to divide  by 200 (/200)
    Volley your ally, and check your news. If you did it right, you should've hired that ally between 52-58 times. If you start from lower, a) it'll take YEARS and b) You will have a higher loss rate (Trust me on this one).
    Then drop it!


    Yes, I did make it lower than the rest hoping that you'll miss it. This is a method to transfer your money from one account to 2 different accounts, having the lowest loss rate except being volleyed by someone else (not really transferring, but this is the only way you'll get cash without clicking anything).

    So how does it work?

    Each player is only allowed one account per idevice (for example, you can have 5 accounts if you have 5 iPhones, 5 iPods, 5 iPads, or a combination of the three), plus one alt. Since most players have only 2 accounts, and this method needs at least 3 accounts, I wouldn't advise you to create a third account just to get the highest transfer rate. In this case, the highest rate will be if the third account (the one being volleyed) is yours, but if you don't have one you can use a friends alt to give both you and them some cash, while getting the lowest transfer (since being volleyed doesn't count: Yeah yeah, I know there's a conflicting sentence in the paragraph above. Now PAY ATTENTION!) rate you can get.

    This is basically a 2 way transfer with your alt getting volleyed.
    Start a new account, complete the tutorial, and do whatever new accounts do. Just don't troll or ask for hires.
    Then volley that account with your transferring account and your transferee account, until you run out of money and your transferring account buys it.
    Then, drop.

    THE EPIC SCENARIO: You have volleyed your ally to the 1bils, hiring it approximately infinite times (joking, it's just that I'm not bored enough to calculate it. Maybe I will, some day).
    You transfer 250 mil
    Your alt gets approximately 200mil transferred
    Your volleyed alt gets at least 55mil transferred, the number I calculated from 70mil.
    The point is, your alt doesn't cost 70mil (If it does, don't pay attention to the following sentence). Your alt costs 10k, or a bit more if someone already bought him/her.
    Transfer loss: -1% to -Unknown%

    Well, that's it for this transfer guide; I hope this helps you like it helped me.
    For the record, I haven't tried a drop volley from 500mil, but I did drop volley from 50mil and calculated losses; I didn't try the 3 way transfer all by myself, since, you know, that could get you banned (I did do it with my friend, and that's how we calculated); and yes, I did actually have 3 different 2 way transfers with a loss rate of -5%. What I've noticed is that it mainly occurs around the 1bil point (when you have 1bil on one account and the other has more) and around the 6mil ally point (when you hire a 6mil ally, equivalent to 1bil point).

    Bump away!

    PS. You might want to check Dillybar's guides for more information about what to do with your hard earned (if sitting and staring at a pc screen while clicking furiously counts as work) money, and some other great guides, like Mr_Goodkat's spy guide, to see how you can use your money in creative ways.
    A big thank you to all the dedicated guide makers, for helping me reach my current stats (I know they aren't big, but still).
    And finally, a shout-out to all my amazing friends: snowy, Dav, arl, Oz, lem, and tiny. You know who you are.

    If you find any mistakes in my calculations, or wish to offer help in any way, post away! I'm active, don't worry. If you find any grammar or spelling mistakes, FYI I did use spell check and I don't really care about grammar, seeing as you can understand me anyway.
    So if you're here to spell check this, piss uff, cinse I dun haf NE speelin mist8kes
    If you're here to troll, troll away, since I don't care.
    To all you newbs (not noobs, noobs are stupid. newbs are people that actually enjoy learning how to play), don't feed the trolls, they have enough to eat already. If you feed them, they'll eat you and spam your wall with lies.

    Wouldn't it be such a waste if this guide just disappeared and wasn't looked at once, or even bumped? Join the KAW ASSOCIATION OF PRESERVING EPIC GUIDES to keep this guide on the forums.
    What, really?
    Did you actually believe that?
  2. EDIT Thursday 2/5/2011 10:36 AM (GMT +10): Changed approximate ally drop refund rate to a stable percentage.
    EDIT Thursday 2/5/2011 7:24 PM (GMT +10): Changed wording on number of accounts, since it wasn't clear.
  3. Bloody he'll man breath
  4. To lazy to read it all, what a skimmed seemed...decent.

    I approve
  5. Drop rates are 67%?
  6. No idea if it's EXACTLY 67%, but it seems to vary between 55% to 65%. I have no idea why, and I've dropped allies a lot (I wrote this guide after transferring :)). If you can figure out the exact amount, first of all, I salute you, and second, I'll update the guide to be more accurate.
    And thanks Kakashi :)

    EDIT: Oh yeah: if you want to see results of 2 way transfers, you can check my alt's wall, I posted stat increases and some calculations.
  7. Drop rate is a consistent precent it does not change.
  8. Your welcome. If you want to make it look professional add BBCodes though(assuming you are on the computer)
  9. It might be a bug in my calculations, calculator, or I might have just done something stupid. The point is, I dropped an approx 1bil ally and got around 600mil, and the second time I did that I got slightly less, and so on. 1 bil is my transfer point (I always transfer from there so I can do it fast). It might just be that in the first time I calculated the ally value before dropping divided by so and so and in the second I calculated the ally value after dropping divided by so and so. I'll check :)
  10. And I will, this is just the basic guide for all to see. After some more comments I'll add font sizes, and maybe even colouring to make it easier to find sections.
    Of course, I'll need to be bored enough to do that, which is... not easy :)
  11. After checking it appears to be stable at 57%. Correction noted, I'll edit the post :).
  12. You see each player is only allowed one account and one alt, in the 3-way section. That's incorrect. You can have as many accounts as you have iDevices, plus one.
  13. B U M P

    5 Star Posts Inc

  14. Thanks for the bump, lighttouch :) and thanks for correction toby! I try to stay open to creative criticism.
    I'll change the wording a bit too.
  15. Just pointing out that if you have 2 iDevices and 1 PC, you can do 3-way volleying while keeping all profits to yourself 
  16. Yeah that's awesome :) But next best is interclan three way, two clan admins volleying a newb (not a noob! newb!).
    And in case you're wondering, yes, I do use my own posts as bumps XP
  17.  that must have been a pain in the (back) you worked hard so my hat Is off to you sir