Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *xKish (01), Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Ooooooooo roils 15 nuke missed me and I pull out a M-16 and massacre erve one (join evil lafter) HAHAHA!!!!!!! And KGB came to.
  2. Ah *sends Russian mob to attack kgb
  3. *ha bullet proof vest ohhhhhh
  4. Pulls out laser sord die die die!!!! Swings crazily. KGB 2 comes to!!!!!!:)
  5. And all of germane aha hahahahaha
  6. Re: kaw empire

    Iron I am your father come and we will rule kaw empire as father and son!!!
  7. Re: kaw empire

    iron, i am your grandfather come and we will rule kaw empire as father and son!!!
  8. Re: kaw empire

    My ATAT kills you Matt
  9. Re: kaw empire

    Roils 20 yea
  10. Re: kaw empire

    *rises from the dead, and kills mark with lightning*

    and what do you mean roils 20? do ya mean rolls 20?
  11. Re: kaw empire

    Role plaing game 20 sided dice
  12. Re: kaw empire

    But hades razed me from the died and un leashed the crakn and killed you. Rould 20 yay
  13. Re: kaw empire

    But my AT-TE comes and roul roul roul roul 3 failed
  14. Re: kaw empire

  15. Re: kaw empire

  16. Death to all yay
  17. Re: kaw empire

  18. Re: kaw empire

  19. AT-AT comes and blows up the mob
  20. Re: kaw empire
