"I posted a short speech in the superthread. You may support my message or oppose, but I shall not put up with spam any longer." (Feel like putting this next part TWC RP style) Star then paused for a moment to let all his words sink in. He was certain they would see his reasoning. He turned and loaded his weapons. With a pack of explosives, he walked out the door in silence.
Dear Café visitors: I, Lady-Marian, do officially invite you to the grand opening of the Character Smoothie Shop. Before I, Lady-Marian, can open that shop, I, Lady-Marian, must hire character makers. To get accepted as my hired help, I, Lady-Marian, must evaluate your characters. Also, you must read my menu that I will post shortly, and tell me how I, Lady-Mariab,did, and if I, Lady-Marian, did good enough to post it of the awesome Forum of Fan Fiction. Now I, Lady-Marian, bid thee goodnight. X's and O's, Lady
Welcome the the Character Smoothie Shop! Here you can deposit, take, and order characters. D•E•P•O•S•I•T•I•N•G: Have you a cool character that you will never use in a story? Or just want to share a cool character with others? Well, deposit that character! If you only plan on sharing a character, CLEARLY state that that character is reserved for your use only. . I will post the deposited characters names on the first page, and give the page it can be found on. T•A•K•I•N•G: If you need a character for your book, but you can't think of one, you can take others deposited characters. If you spot one that you like on the first page you must post it's name and that you are taking it. I will then take it's name off the first page so others can't take it. DO NOT take any characters that aren't mentioned on the first page . I don't want duplicate characters appearing in stories. O•R•D•E•R•I•N•G: If you have a bit of an idea of what you want for your character, order a Character Smoothie! Choose from our list of flavors, or if you don't see what your looking for, just make up your own flavor! You can always order the boring way, without using flavors, but where's the fun in that? (Not a rhetorical question, I'm really wondering!). You don't have to use flavors from every section, I'll fill in whatever you didn't use. Keep in mind that some flavors may not sound good if mixed with others, but they will taste delicious. If you have a name in mine, say that you are ordering the [place name here] smoothie. You may order multiple flavors from each section. T•I•P•P•I•N•G: If you need a character by a certain time, like in a day or two, you may need to tip me. To tip me, just deposit character(s). The more characters you deposit, the faster I will get to your order. Other things like bio's may also require tips. H•I•R•I•N•G: I have some other Smoothie makers that will help me get to all the orders. That way it will take some of the pressure off me and hopefully all the orders will get made faster. F•L•A•V•O•R•S M•E•N•U: A-p-p-e-a-r-a-n-c-e ----> Hair • Banana blond • Rhubarb redhead • Brownie brunet • Blackberry black haired Extra hair flavors: • Lemon long • Mandarin medium length • Strawberry short • Lime layered ----> eyes • Blueberry blue • Black licorice black • Gooseberry green • Grape grey • Prune purple • Apricot amber • Bark brown • Date dark brown ----> other • Melon muscular • Spaghetti skinny • Thin mint thin • Tangerine tall • Squash short P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L-I-T-Y ----> • Skim milk shy • Berry brave • Salad sarcastic • Apple arrogant • Guava generous • Grapefruit greedy • Hazelnut humble • Kiwi kind • French fry friendly • Passionfruit passionate • Popcorn perky • Egg evil • Hamburger hero • Flesh funny I cannot write all the possible personality traits, so if you think of some, I may add them to my list as I go. If you don't want me to take the traits you make up, please say so. G-E-N-D-E-R-S ----> • Fantastic female • Majestic male A-G-E-S ----> • Celery seven • Air eight • Nutty nine • Tuna ten • Electric eleven • Turkey twelve • T-bone Steak thirteen • Food fourteen • Frito's fifteen • Salmon sixteen • Spicy seventeen • Ale eighteen • Negative nineteen • Tasty twenty If you have another age you would like, just tell me it. B-I-O-S ----> (I require a tip for bio's) • Yams yes • Nugget no Note: The more tips you provide, the more detailed the bio will be. P-R-E-V-I-E-W ----> (I require a tip for previews) • Yams yes • Nugget no Note: a preview is a sneak peak of what I think the character might do under pressure or in action. The more tips you provide, the more detailed and longer the preview will be. That's about it. If I missed something vital, let me know.