Name: Brick Age: 21 Height: 6,1 Eye colour: brown Appearance: Stocky well built man, Massive hands, Buldging muscles, beady little eyes, Bald head, Tanned skin. Hobbies: shooting stuff or explosions Ability: Explosive hands, anything punched gets blown up Family: his gang Fav book: cant read Fav food: strange cos he loved cake Pet: Trusty chinchilla Clothing: Goggles, Armour plated vest, Black trackys Negative traits: Drunkeness or Pugnaisous Secret: He really is a softy at heart Superstitons: Desert Island Gold Song: Highway to hell - ACDC hope this helps
Name: Lynet Age:15 Height:5"4" Eye color:Brown/green Physical appearance:thin(but not super thin)Straight, mid length brown/black hair, layered. wears glasses(, likes to wear zip up hoodies, V neck t-shirts(with a cami underneath), dark blue jeans and running shoes. Hobbies/interests:Reading, playing KaW(lol), writing, and other various video games.(like sims 3 or hedgewars) Special skills/abilities/strengths:A good ear, sympathetic, intelligent. Favorite booksercy jackson series, A lady raised high, ella enchanted, jane eyre, pride and prejudice, harry potter series and the baby sitter club books. Favorite foodsIZZA, hot dogs, poutine, crepes and spaghetti Pet peeves: Annoying people who don't understand you the first time or second time you tell them and people who can't keep quiet when needed. Favorite clothing style/outfit: blue jeans, tank top or t-shirt, sunglasses, sandals or runners and black/grey cardigan. Negative traits: Impatient, nervous, serious(good and bad i guess) and slight pride Deepest, darkest secret: i'm not always the "good girl" people think i am :twisted: Reason he or she kept this secret for so long: one exactly believes me when i tell them that i'm not "perfect" or "goody two shoes" all the time.... Superstitions: Not picking up pennies that are tails up(i think thats bad luck or is it heads up?), breaking a mirror, walking under ladders and opening an umbrella indoors. Three words to describe this character: music, kind, environment If a song played every time this character walked into the room, what song would it be? Sleepwalker by adam lambert i hope it's not too late
Oh can I add to my pet peeves and negative traits? Pet peeve: Witches/wizards(or anyone who seems like one) Negative traits: Likes throwing/hitting witches/wizards with her broom.
It's a spin off of Cinderella- it talks about how after she meets the prince she's really bored and feels really constrained by all the silly palace rules etc. It's REALLY good