KAW: Expansion - Multi-map Update!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 11, 2011.

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  1. Devs = Greedy Epic Failures. I think they took noob suggestions for this update.  May want to reevaluate who you take suggestions from. 
  2. I think the devs are so embarrassed at their utter failure, that it has left them speechless.
  3. I have purchased all pro packs and quite a bit of nobs to be lcbc as soon as possible to start doing real wars, but this update makes it useless. I won't spend another penny on this game and am seriously considering quitting.
  4. to whom created this update:I spend 110 bill on 8 new lands to upgrade my hansel,and that only gave me 4 more mill per hit,that's some disappointing I may say,it will cost me aprox another 500 bill to lcbc the new land and get what another 10 mill per hit if that?what u need to do is lower the cost of the new lands,not every1 in this game is strong or have the golds to lcbc the first level to begin with and there so many inactive profiles already,and from now it will only increase them.
    Advice:lower the price for the lands and make new buildings for them,also make the ally plunder harder to get by making the players buy more allies.as far as the plunder war and real war,well the small clans will war that will not stop,the bigger clans that found a way with osfs and oafs will keep plundering,and now more and more with this enormous amount of golds that the new land requires.all you need to do now is try to stop plunder wars and then you'll see half of the players looking for another game!
    hope you take some action and help the player!
  6. If this update was "player generated," it looks like the devs only talked to kool-aide and ghoomba about it...
  7. I look forward to the day of being 2mil combined stats and getting my ass whooped by some 8mil+ kingdom. Truly. :roll:
  8. Agreed danielmarco!
  9. Here's my 2 cents. The new lands are fine. No one has a right to be lcbc, nor is there some indelible principle that you should lc long b4 you bc. The game has changed...lc now takes a long time. That's fine. It's a challenge that can be met and build development is more long term than it used to be.

    What needs to change is the system of plunder wars. This game will be ruined if it pushes even more pws on us and makes it impossible to war again, just at the time when wars were starting to return. There's no going back: pws are here to stay, but the devs need to curtail them somehow and make them less lucrative...drop the tax to 10%, stop hit'n'runs by letting the tax leave, etc.

    There's nothing wrong with growing slow and honestly and getting some wars in along the way...that's the way it used to be. I'm not concerned just because the target has moved further away.
  10. How do u use the new rival clan mode
  11. Well just getting bc 2 days was a great achievement for me lol but know I have to do it all over again! So what am I going to do different well for one I'm only going to shop allies and then If I wake up to enough to ug that's a bonus:) I just hope the devs address the issue put to them. FYI this was a great game and still could be 
  12. Man why do ppl care if this update is bad or good people can still play the game if you try it's not that. Hard just give it a try and you will be good it's all bout learning and growing. Hey I'm not even T4 bc but I still want to play I'm not going to quit but just try harder :) ....o and I beat ppl will just try harder to try ....and I will become bc lc once again :D
  13. This is what I got so far - anyone else have more info?

    1: 3b
    2: 3.5b
    3: 4b
    4: 5b
    5: 7b
    6: 9b
    7: 11
    8: ?
    9: 15b
    10: 20b
    11: 25b
    12: 30b
    13: 40b
    14: 70b
    15: ?
    16: ?
    17: ?
    18: ?
    19: ?
    20: ?
    21: ?
    22: ?
    23: ?
    24: ?
    23: 300b?
  14. Just yesterday I was thinking that it might actually be possible for me to bc this year. Then lo and behold, a few hours later I find out about the update. I don't even know where to start. It feels like a completely different game. My clan had finally slowed the pws down. We were looking for clans to war. That is no longer the case. Devs, I will not spend a single penny on your corrupt game. I feel completely screwed over. I think it might be time for me to jump ship. And to any dev suck-up who might tell me that "loyal players will stick with the game through thick and thin..." screw you too.
  15. im on the pc i cant find the explore thing but i can make friends...plz help lets see if this coding thing works...lol
  16. @sexwulf land 8 20 bill land 9 25 bill,the rest don't know yet
  17. It's not a hard game guys I make 2 bill a day .....get Allies And get them to 6 bill and behold you got max plunder ..... Then get a 25 land. Bc t4 and you make 22-18 mill a hit and then you can make lots of money :)
  18. [​IMG]

    Great job on the ACHIVMENT BONUSES u promised 9 months back
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