KAW: Expansion - Multi-map Update!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 11, 2011.

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  1. Guess what ! I quit !
  2. I'm sure most of the people "quitting" will be back
  3. My friend 70 k wins just quit to 
  4. The game no longer fun like it used to be ! It all about racing to powerful up ur kingdom ! T3 no way stand a change again T4 ! The soon u upgrade the more gold u made per hit ! The soon u getting stronger from allies base ! There is no help for new players ! U can't give new players ur gold by transfer ! It all about racing ! I sick of waiting to full troop and unload it on OSF every H ! The game had become death end circle !
  5. Its getting repetitive. When you thought u are finally getting to T4Bc and able to challenge top players, BAM! u are hit with new lands and once again u find yourself in pwars hitting osfs as usual.
  6. .....New update is cool, but now you have to pw to lcbc. :( Major bummer. Even if pwars are killed, osfs will still open outside of wars. So real wars will become even less common, because even old school players will now pwar or nob to get new lands and buildings.
  7. thankyou for the wonderful job you've done of royally screwing up this game. WELL DONE DEVS!!! (sarcasm is very hard to convey over cyber space... but i hope you get the point, if not... - that should suffice methinks.) ~_~
  8. Update is outragious better for me but no way it's right BuT chat system ROCKS!!!
  9. I do thank the devs for having the game be fun for so long, though. Ty devs!
  10. This update was only made so people spend more cash on nobility nothing to do with expanding the game it's just greed
  11. screw you ATA and your never ending quest for profit.
  12. Im starting see this game become more social...Staus...Follwers....Privatec Chat...
  13. Donkey- seriously, u want to try and debate our options here?? Saying we don't have to buy? True, we don't Have to buy nobs.... That is, unless you want to catch up in the game and not get left behind. So the Devs have given us three options
    1- Buy nobs to get back ahead (greed abound)
    2- Get left behind trying to play a war game while everybody else is playing a plunder game.
    3- Play the game for a few years and hope the Devs don't keep raising the bar (and lets be honest, if we don't make a stand at some point, that's exactly what they will do).
    Given these options, the loyal players of a year plus are fed up and have "developed" a fourth option
    4- Quit.

    So Donkey, if the Devs have the same attitude and respect u have towards the players'/customers' opinions, then I hope u enjoy being a mod over a couple rich kids and the other mods.
    R.I.P.- Old School KaW
  14. How about a castle upgrade? It's a funny thought that we're all building armies to protect a useless building...when we finally lc2bc we can all be proud to say I did all this to protect a toolshed
  15. Hey devs **** you, you have ruined an already diminishing game. You have thrown your player-base over a cliff just to steal his wallet.
  16. Terrible upgrade, at least higher the value of nobility.
  17. thats ok and all. but that does nothing but encourage additional nob buying.

    missing the point people don't want to feel forced into the option of "spend yo money or fall behind"

    spend 2 years trying to catch up. in the meantime the devs open the other 3 corners. so another 75 lands. costing in the range of 50-60 trillion or so.

    it's all so they can try to press more ppl into buying nobility points. it's very clear. I miss the pre t4 and war system days.
  18. I just got lc....now I have to do it again? If this wasn't a thread Witg Benny, donkey, and KaW admin, I would bypass a hundred times. I'm... Devastated, no way to describe it, yes, the new lands are cool, the pm, okay, following people! Are ******* kidding ME^^, you can lurk on random wall, and see majesty telling someone it is not a dating game. This just made it way more...more able to not get caught by mods, or others. Pm, on pal, follow someone, one facebook, strip farm someone, on KaW.
  19. Why stop plunder wars?How we going to b able to upgrade now? Also plunder wars are great way too meet new people and are great fun clan chats!kill off plunder wars and kill off alot of great people who play this game
  20. Can you still reset after 24 lands to get the bonus? the link in the previous answer just goes back to the beginning of the thread.

    Do you have to explore both maps to get the reset bonus ?
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