The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. AWESOME! I'll make a sign up form, but I will only post it on the café. Someone will have to do it for GlooMi though... And has anyone seen Star? I'm gonna need him to fill one out..,
  2. If you want a character, fill out this form. You dont have to answer all the questions, but try and do most of them.

    Eye color:
    Physical appearance:
    Special skills/abilities/strengths:
    Family (describe):
    Favorite books:
    Favorite foods:
    Pet peeves:
    Favorite clothing style/outfit:
    Negative traits:
    Deepest, darkest secret:
    Reason he or she kept this secret for so long:
    Three words to describe this character:
    If a song played every time this character walked into the room, what song would it be?

    Name: Marian
    Age: 15
    Height: 5’ 5’’
    Eye color: Blue
    Physical appearance: Waist length curly blond hair that commonly gets tangled, wears dresses, acquires a cloak later on.
    Hobbies/interests: Wants to write an epic poem that rhymes, she likes to swim, and write.
    Special skills/abilities/strengths: She’s not terribly good at anything but attracting spirits that want to live in her body.
    Favorite books: Anything non-fiction
    Favorite foods: Likes coffee, and anything that’s not too exotic or spicy.
    Pet peeves: long fingernails.
    Favorite clothing style/outfit: Floor length dresses that match her red and gold cloak.
    Superstitions: Karma, other stuff.
    Three words to describe this character: Open, honest, crazy
    If a song played every time this character walked into the room, what song would it be? Anywhere Is by Enya. It’s soothing, but hard to understand.
  3. Name - Sam
    Age - 17
    Height - 5"7
    Eye color - grey blue
    Physical appearance - Well built, nerdy-looking, but has a robotic arm from an accident
    Hobbies - Parkour, drawing, sculpturing, lying
    Skills - great traceur (Parkour-er) good thinker, excellent liar
    Family - all of them are smart, dad is fit as he'll, others aren't.
    Books - What is this "genre" you speak of?
    Foods - ANYTHING
    Pet peeves - anything high-pitched
    Clothing style - heavy white hoodies and baggy sweatpants
    Negative traits - easily angered, gives in to pressure
    Darkest secret - he has an alien in his garage
    Reason? ITS AN ALIEN
    Superstitions - a mirror is a ghost's window/door

    Three words - smart, violent, persuasive

    Song? - through the fire and the flames (DragonForce)

    ...I didn't know where to put it...

    *dumps form in thread*
  4. Name: Katherine
    Age: 14
    Height: 5''1
    Eye color: Deep Brown
    Physical appearance: Skinny (but prefers to be called slim.) Doesn't appear athletic but is surprisingly flexible and strong in the hands and arms (thanks to months of typing.) Ponytailed wavyish hair, shoulder length.
    Hobbies/interests: Reading/writing (duh), editing, has a knack for archery and shooting
    Special skills/abilities/strengths: Can appear innocent (even though she isn't nearly 100% of the time), amateur liar, but master at catching anything out of place or a disturbance in a situation. Plus she can come up with a witty catchphrase in under half a second!
    Favorite books: Anything fiction (hates nonfiction) and anything that catches her eye or something with a cool/colorful cover!
    Favorite foods: EXTREMELY picky. Let's leave it at that.
    Pet peeves: Anything sticky and anything messy. Hates the color green and orange.
    Favorite clothing style/outfit: Casual clothing but likes flashy shoes and headbands.
    Negative traits: Tends to interrupt a lot, impatient, doesn't like meeting new people, control freak, picky
    Deepest, darkest secret: Doesn't have any. She's an open book.
    Reason he or she kept this secret for so long: N/A
    Superstitions: Believes in goodluck charms and doesn't like looking at mirrors or reflective items.
    Three words to describe this character: Witty,Intelligent, Fashionable
    If a song played every time this character walked into the room, what song would it be?
    Hmm... Only Girl in the World (By: Rhianna or however you spell her name.)
  5. *walks in to café* just stopping by... Just not too interested in KaW anymore...
  6. :cry: Tears up.
  7. I'm not going to try and memorize this... When I get on my PC tomorrow, I'll make it on my alt.
  8. I'm trying to keep playing, but KaW just isn't as fun anymore. Blame it on noobs and pwars. I also found another game that got more addicting.
  9. Why must it come to this?!
  10. I'm trying not to totally quit though. I'll try and visit more often.
  11. As long as you don't quit completely, I'm okay with it I guess.
  12. Name:Wolf
    Height: 5'1
    Eye Color:Brown
    Physical Appearance: Black hair that hangs over his eyes, smiles very little, but has blindingly white teeth, with sharp canines. Favorite outfit is jeans and a t-shirt. Tan skin, thin and wiry.
    Skills: Master thief, and excellent at moving silently and stealthily. Amateur at acrobatics.
    Family:Super cheery, and friends with everyone.
    Favorite book: Eleventh Grade Burns
    Favorite Food: Pasta
    Pet peeves: Super outgoing people
    Deepest, Darkest secret: Swallowed a wolf fang, and doesn't know if he's gonna die or what, since he had put poison on it for fun.
    Reason for keeping it: His parents would FLiP OUT if they knew.
  13. Song: Muse-Uprising
  14. OLAY! Yay! Thanks for filling out the form! When I get on PC tomorrow I will copy/paste them all onto a word doc so I won't lose thwmB
  15. I'll fill out tommorrow.
  16. Okay, thanks Star. *Hugs Star* You don't have permission to quit. Ever. As long as you post sometimes I won't kill you.
  17. Isn't that an oxymoron? How can you kill me if I'm not there?
  18. I will spam your wall. Or I'll kill myself. Do not leave. Ever.
  19. You know what? Let's stick with spamming your wall.
  20. Hi star! I don't believe we have met 