The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Never heard of it... GlooMi will have a character, but I suppose you may have one as well, seeing you are an extremely active member of Fan Fiction (so far) and you're her cousin.
  2. Oh, oh, oh! Can you make a character that strives to be an editor (which is me) but ends up becoming a writer (which is hopefully me too).

    Wow that sounds boring. Can you do something like that?
    lol I read that book at the doctors office or something when I was like 12 or 13 ^.^
    I crave feedback... Yet it does not come . . .
  4. Hahaha! And of course Kimber! The café will be centered around authors, that's what draws Marian to it. What shall your name be?
  5. Hmmm...


    I never realized how much I liked the letter K. You can choose a name that fits best with your script.
  6. Katherine, Kimber, Kimberly, or Kira.
  7. Hmm... I'll choose... Katherine. It sounds modern to my ears. :mrgreen: :ugeek:
  8. My character's goal in life is to get through school with good grades.
  9. So she can get into an ivy league college.
  10. A very reasonable goal, but don't forget, we're in the land of fantasy here! Irin is an elf, GlooMi is a dark wizard guys apprentice, Marian gets possessed by a spirit at some point (hehehe!), and Star... Well, he damages the Café a lot!
  11. Oh it is? Well nix that. Her goal is to survive through highschool without anyone figuring out that she is a fairy.
  12. Awesomely done!;) you are officially a sweet person!
  13. Okay, bye. I should turn in too.
  14. I want to be Toast
    Except that's not fantasy 
  15. And im kinda like well I guess you could say a Cat that flys or something no like ArchAngel Im an Angel Like Whats his name from X-Man
  16. My goal is to survive Middleschool without anyone knowing im an Angel or have Powers but they find out anyway and start to think im a Freak
  17. @Marian, very sorry for the late response. Got caught up in something. Anyway, of corse you have my permission!