I wanna try the jump from wall thing . It sounds cool . -Poison leaped into the building- * Growls* " Not this place again"
whoa.... :shock: that's....amazing..... :shock: and i used to think it was only special effects and only for movies.... :shock:
Note - that is NOT me Also, I'm getting good at running an jumping... Still can't get the wallrun or roll right...
IRIN IRIN IRIN! I have a spectacular idea! I want to do this thing called Screnzy (Script Frenzy) And it's like NaNoWriMo, but you write a script in a month! I want to do it on the Writer's cafe, but TV show! DO I HAVE YOUR PERMISSION? :shock:
ALSO If you want your character to be in the TV show, it would Be totally AWESOME if you would fill out a character questionare! It would help me loads too!