The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Think you've got what it takes to be a writer? Have a poem or story you want to share? Join the fan fiction community!
  2. Persuasive is good. :mrgreen: (Mr. Green is better. ;) )
  3. Hmm post that on wc!
  4. Let me edit my signature.
  5. Wait! Quick question. How do you edit a link to make it say something?
  6. Or we could advertise a writing contest on wc!
  7. I probably couldn't do the 1,000 word maximum story, and I checked out the blog. Pretty cool!
  8. Press conference?
  9. Yes please! And does anyone know how to do the link thingy?
  10. Yes! So I'm thinking the best way to do this is in role-play style. No fighting, though. All of you guys will be reporters from various newspapers/magazines/etc. You guys ready? I'll set the scene in a minute.
  11. Erm...
    No on the link, yes on the character conference.
  12. That's fine. I'll find out eventually.
  13. Aw man! I typed an uber long post and it didn't go through!
  14. Sorry to hear that. On a different note, can you see my signature?
  15. ARG! It did it again!

    And sorry, the signatures don't show up on iPod.
  16. WAIT go to Off Topic we can hold it there or more publicity
    I have a thread titled :
    probably the least visited forum

    I'm using it to get people aware!