The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Phew, what relief! I'll consider it for the fact there's no school for about a week in November, but maybe once I actually finish a story I'll participate.
  2. :x Ugh, I'm always a page turner in forums. I don't know why, but it irritates me.
  3. *looks at the note*
    *uses white out on the note*
    *white out doesnt work*
    ya im never gonna finish a story in a month lol
  4. I didn't last month, I just met my word count goal. I want to write a story in second person this month. Wish me good luck!
  5. Let's do. Press conference!
  6. Yes. Press conference.
  7. Press conference? Forgive me, I'm a bit lost.
  8. @kimber, a few pages back they'll be an explanation.

    @everyone else, alright. So should we do this like a roleplay? Or you guys just ask questions and I answer?
  9. Explination is on page 639. I was also thinking about calling these things 'Character Conferences.' sound okay?
  10. Interesting. I'd have to see one for myself first before I can fully understand everything though so... carry on. I'll be lurking around here.
  11. Looks like I'm going to miss the press conference I have to sleep now...Night
  12. Maybe we should postpone this till tomorrow, then. Maybe more people will be on then.
  13. I dunno... I might stop writing on FanFic altogether...

    Not enough people on : (

    However, I am going to start practicing the art of Parkour (Wall-running and the like) starting tomorrow.
  14. Parkour looks difficult, but really cool! Good luck on that! And I wish more people were on FF too...
  15. Np. Well, gtg now. Pretty tired. C ya later
  16. Well hi there I just discovered fan fiction >.<

    Jk but srsly hi :p