The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Btw i have a new chapter out, it has little description as possible cos its all a mystery. Key information will be visble, but hidden if u get that :D
  2. Sounds like a cool idea irin
  4. Shall I put together one for tonight? Will everyone be on?
  5. To recap my last post:

    Dear Writers,

    It has come to my attention that many or, god forbid, all of you are unaware of a fantastic program for writers called NaNoWriMo . I would like to introduce you all to this free opportunity and share some of the fantastic features it has.
    NaNoWriMo, or, National Writing Month, is November. And NaNoWriMo challenges all writers, young and old, to write a novel in a month. This might not sound possible, but NaNoWriMo has so many great features to get you through it.
    I'd like to walk you through all the features now, but as it is, I have to pee, eat breakfast, get dressed, and post a chapter to my story, A Game of Secrets, before I get food thrown at me. If you are interested, and want me to continue to write this formal letter about NaNoWriMo, post on my wall.

    X's and O's,

    And now to continue my letter:

    Dear Writers,

    NaNoWriMo: write a novel in a month. Not possible, you say? Well don’t jump to the island of conclusions! Remember those features I mentioned earlier? They will help you get through the month! One of them is the ability to set your word count goal.
    You can only access this feature if you are 17 or younger, aka, a young writer. The website for young writers is:, and for you old folks, it’s: Since I am not yet 18, I will be giving you a tour of the young writer’s website.
    Word count goal: you can choose how many words to write in a month. Your goal is automatically set to 50,000, but by clicking My NaNoWriMo , you can access Novel Info and change your goal. Last year I set mine to 10,000, but this year I’m going for 20,000. If you’re unsure what to put for a goal, NaNoWriMo suggest some for specific age groups, but some of them aren’t very challenging.
    Another feature to help get you through your novel is The Writer’s Block. The Writer’s Block gives you motivational pep talks and video pep talks to get you through your novel. The pep talks also provide helpful tips and tricks to keep your novel realistic and exciting.
    If during the month of November you have absolutely no idea what to write and are just stuck in a rut, give the dare machine a try. The dare machine dares you to do random things to your characters. For example, one dare is: We dare you to create a romance between your antagonist and your protagonists sister.
    If your question is what to do while you wait for next November to come around, well, take a look at the 100% Awesome NON-LAME workbooks (we promise) that they have. I haven’t read through them yet, but they have a link to them on their website so I’m going to start soon!
    If you have a concern during November and it’s not listed on here, try the Forum. I don’t know about you guys, but I LOvE forums with a capitol “v”! The forums that I recommend and that will be available during November are:
    - Elementary School
    - Middle School (That’s me!)
    - High School (You might find me here too)
    - Home Schoolers

    - Word Wars and Writing Prompts
    - The Character Café (Looks like you’ve got some competition, Irin!)
    - The Plot Hospital
    - Reaching That Word-Count Goal
    - The Name Bank

    - Art Class
    - Fan Club
    - Video Games and Websites
    - Recess
    - Roleplaying and Shared Worldbuilding

    I would love to walk you through them all, but most of them are self-explanatory, and for those that aren’t, well, you’ll just have to check out the website yourself!
    P.S. If you do join, make me one of your writing buddies please! (Search Lady-Marian, and add me!)
  6. Lady tht sounds rly interesting.
    I dont think i can write a novel in a minth but it would be rly fun to try :D
  7. That's a lot of words! :shock: It sounds super fun though! Maybe I'll try it sometime.
  8. I hope you all join! It is loads of fun! I just printed out the workbook (LOTS OF PAPER!!!;0) and I'm hoping my parents don't find out because they'll kill me.
  9. Workbook? Was that mentioned in your formal letter?
  10. yup

    If your question is what to do while you wait for next November to come around, well, take a look at the 100% Awesome NON-LAME workbooks (we promise) that they have. I haven’t read through them yet, but they have a link to them on their website so I’m going to start soon!
  11. Oh found it. Sorry, when I see the word 'workbook(s)' I think of the workbooks at school and zoom out.
  12. hahaha! well i just barely started it, but i scanned through the whole thing, and i think its going to be extremely useful! I wish i had time to read it last month, but i started a bit late and all the month is needed to write!

    NOTE: You may NOT use a former story to start your NaNo, You MUST start from scratch on november 1st!
  13. At least you can write up an outline first. And I just skimmed through the forums and I'm loving the Adoption Center! I'm tempted to join but I'm worried about plagarism (I guess plagarism is everywhere but still...).
  14. Wow it sounds really cool
  15. I always want to do that, but November is always a busy month for me, so I never have time to try.
  16. It says you can do fan fictions, and it doesn't save to the website so plagiarism isn't really a problem.