Reg shrugs. "So what if you tell people? Hardly anyone will believe you. 'Hi, that girl is an Archangel!' How crazy does that sound? Even if you show anybody her arm, they'll think it's just a tattoo or something."
-in- Poison looks at the others and speaks . " Well i haz ta go now see ya round " -out- My nature name is Snowy btw -in- Anara comes in and doesnt say a word . -out- I chose that name because i like it and love the snow.
Reg... You copied Irin the Archangel from salvation! If you want to copy something (even not in your own story) at least tell me! D:<
I didnt even read salvation! And tht Archangel is a REAL Archangel! That Gabrielle, The Mesenger! duh! In "And why will I care if Irin knows...?" asks the Archangel
Out Lol srry I just reread my post and saw how stupid it looked. I guess that happens when u get no sleep What I trying to say is from what I read in the café no human can know irins a elf right? So riddle says he'd tell the elves about her. In "well archangel you think that can defeat both of us?" riddle asks raising a eyebrow.
"an archangel. This is going to be tough." Collin comments. A sword appears in riddles hand. "are you going to make the first move?"
The Archangel shrugs. A blazing sword appears in her hand and she stabs riddle and Collin so quickly nobody even saw her move.
And then Reg's little cousin, Rachel appears, and yells "You stole my pet chincilla!" She grabs the chinchilla and stomps out of the cafe.
At the same speed riddle blocks and Collin moves out of the way. Riddle lunges forwards and aims a stab at archangels shoulder hoping for a hit. Collin thrust his hand at archangels belly.> @
She quickly jumps out of the way and Reg attacks from behind while they are distracted with the Archangel.
Quickly Collin turns around and pointed at reg. Suddenly a large burst of pain came from regs lower right arm but when she looks there is no damage.
While Collin is turned around, the Archangel's sword begins to glow darkly, and is bursts into coal black flames. She jabs the sword into Collin's back. The sword had black fire on it; the only thing that could destroy Lucifer's followers after they were banished from Heaven.
WHY ARE YOU GUYS STEALING THE ARCHANGEL FROM TN3U??? Last time I checked, it was forbidden to speak of it in fanfic