The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Thx for they coffay, Jerad told riddle
  2. No one gave me cofay
  3. beginnings

    Finally, some place that is for writing, so how do you get it all out of your head? Any tips for getting started?
  4. Create a list of characters and give as much detail on each as you can:)
  5. Download a writing app
    I recommend savy soda
    Or if u have Awesome Note use that
    Don't ever, ever, ever! Post directly from the kaw app.
  6. Wait forthe ideas to come to u. Because theyll always come; its the writer's job to use the ideas and turn them into a story. Be patient, cuz if u start writing before the ideas come to u, it will be VERY hard to make the story interesting.

  7. AND read GlooMi's Guide to Writing.
    NOTE: GIooMi reset and her new name is -Mystique-
  8. GlooMi has cool new name o:
  9. No free internet.
    But we do has free interwhebz!
  10. I'm writing new story please sign up! And I a lot more active now.
  11. btw is anyone else having problems posting links using idevice not comp? It never works for me when i post link using ipod touch...(i edited the link on comp)
  12. No nobody cares if you fall asleep:p... I should know
  13. if ur on idevice u need to put link (i think)
  14. No u can just post a link
    But if u want to rename it on idevice it doesn't work
  15. Jerad entered the cafe once again...thinking of a way to make his story better.