Reg waves excitedly to Fang until her chair tips over then and she falls. She immediately hopped back up. "I'm OK!" she assured them, and then she drank some COFFEINE!!! Then her head exploded from the hyperness.
Lady drinks the rest of Reg's coffiene, hoping Star or Irin doesn't stop her. "MWAHAHAHA! I am unstoppable now!" Lady cackles maniacally.
Stora walks in with a bucket of cold water. Hearing Lady's comment, Stora dumps the bucket of water on Lady's head. "Hehe...." Stora laughs
Lady whips her head around to see who dumped water on her. Accidentally she hit Stora with her wet braid. Lady laughs and does it twice more.
Karl jumps in and hits lady in the soft spot, the balls, and runs away with stora before they both end up being destroyed
Cheese nods. -OUT- Guys, if you want to be in a clan dedicated to the FanFic Guardians, join Bomber Command. I have recently taken control of it, and I hope you all join . By the way... The following quote was coined by me a few seconds ago "FanFic was great, is great, and shall stay great. Such is our pledge. We are the Guardians." How is it?
I is sad tht nobody is reading my story In Reg then adds a tally to the list of how many times her head has exploded. The number is 74 now. Then she drinks more coffeine and makes a song. "Hush little baby don't say a word I'm gonna take over the entire world I will destroy this world Andcreate a new world in my own image Nobody will be spared Not even the children not even u" She was too lazy to make it rhyme so she began singing it like a lullaby and babies all over Fan Fiction City began to cry.
Out I wanna ask Benny to delete all posts except for my posts on ny story thread cuz Sakeen keeps posting there... But idk wat to say D: wat should i say??? In