The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. -out-
    I think I know what you mean. Imagine getting a mid-term report and dropping over 10% in a few weeks for one subject.

    Star hoped his theory war right. He needed the tape to hold. He succeds, he can relax. He fails, the cafe gets nuked. No pressure.
  2. Irin yawned. She noticed Star holding down a button and trying to do something with duct tape. "What are you doing?"

    Occ// Wow, that sounds really bad. Good luck getting it up.
  3. Meanwhile, Cheese was (IRL) graphing himself when a power-outage occured immediately after he saw a little girl in a red jacket Grudge-running/crawling through a vent.
  4. Star released the button carefully. It held.

    "No nuclear explosion here then." He said, then fell to the floor in exhaustion.

    That was several months ago. I managed to get it back up for the end of the term.
  5. Reg yawned and Stora was no longer a hamster muffin.
  6. Out

    I updated Darkness Ascending!
    Please reread the prologue and first chapter i changed them.

  7. "Yay!" Stora yells and runs out the cafe door as fast as possible before Reg can change her back into a hamstermuffin.
  8. Reg then jabs Star with a spork to distract him so that she can push the big red button.
  9. Star mentions it's already pushed down and if it releases everything within a radius of the cafe would be destroyed and become inhabitable.
  10. Reg thinks that explosions are fun, but decides Irin would kill her if she destroys the cafe, so she amuses herself by poking things with a stick.
  11. But Cheese isn't as law-abiding.

    Raising his hand, he calls down a massive comet, decimated a good-sized chunk of the Cafe. He then proceeds to drink Writer's Rum.
  12. Irin, jolted away from her daydreaming, looked at the meteor in the cafe. She then locked her gaze on cheese. "Cheese," she said, ever so calmly, "You're a dead man." Then she drew her blade and lunged at him.
  13. Star didn't seem enthusiastic either. He decided to fight. He equiped extra large ammo clips, and would fire at cheese until his guns almost broke.
  14. Karl sat there watching their epic fight and decide that he would write a story about the fight.
  15. "um is this normal?"
  16. But Cheese was underestimated by his foes, and in a drunk-crazed state, he yelled,

    "Gimme more Writers Rum, ya lousy cheapskates! I gotta score to settle with the law!" And easily sidestepped every sword slice and gunshot.

    "Ye won't get me, gov'na! I'm a writer!"

    As he shouted, smiled and dodged, he drank more and more Writers Rum.
  17. "Umm...there's just one problem with that. We ran out of Writers Rum days ago. Instead I gave you spiked Apple juice. You were just to drunk to notice." Irin said. In the moment of Cheese's confusion, Irin knocked his head with the flat of her sword in hopes of knocking him out.
  18. GlooMi quietly walked into the cafè, utterly disoriented and very confused
  19. "I missed." He smiled, and started to laugh. "Let me show you why I don't need magic to win."

    He took a step forwards.

    Adding to the confusion, another Star raised an E-11 laser rifle to cheese's head, armed and real.
  20. "What's up Gloom's?" Lady asks. "Is it okay if I call you Gloom's?"