The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Star eyed the man suspiciously and fingered one of his weapons. His other hands was still preventing nuclear warfare.

    I'm so glad. I finally LCed. 8 months of work (probably record for longest with active player)
  2. The stranger turn and said to star." you seem well armed for a person in a café."
  3. Out

     nice work star:)
  4. Will someone plz tell me what they think of my book??? :?:
  5. Turning to Reg, "Are you jabbing me with a spork?!" Stora in hamstermuffin form asks angrily.
  6. -out-
    Congrats Star!!!
    @Sam Are you jumping from third person to first person?(alternating each chapter) Because it sorta seems that way to me.
  7. Yes. I started out having it where there was a narrator. Then the main character was keeping a journal
  8. While he is waiting for a reply he sees a odd looking muffin.know hes having a debate wether or not he should eat it...
  9. "You can never be underprepared." He told the stranger. He was overprepared though, and was tiredly trying to removed his finger without nuking himself.

    "I haven't slept for days!" He yelled, and was attempting to hold down the trigger with duct tape.
  10. -out-
    Ah ok, that's cool
    Stora notices Riddle looking at her oddly. Realizing Riddle might eat her, Stora tries to jump out the cafe door but doesn't go very far.
  11. lol hamstermuffin
  12. It's been awhile since she's shown her face in the cafe. She almost didn't want to see what damage the cafe had taken in her absence, but she was surprised to find there wasn't much.

    Irin sat behind the counter, exhausted. A few cuts and scrapes were seen on her face and arms. She looked down at her coffee and stirred it, almost as if in some sort of trance.
  13. Karl was happy that Irin was back and began masterminding a story in his head...
  14. "good point sir!" he said as riddle got up and saw him. Riddle quickly lays back down though and doesn't say a word. "well maybe you can help me. I'm looking for a boy with dark brown hair and eyes that look like mine. He's about 6'2.... Oh and he can get on your nerves, is a little over dramatic and instead of saying coffee he says coffay?"
  15. Yay Irin ur back!
  16. -out-

    Hey guys! Sorry for not being around. Life has a funny way of catching up with you.


    Irin was trying to figure out what was going on....
  17. When r u gonna write more of broken?
  18. soon as I sort some stuff out. I lost a lot of data on my iPod, so I'm not sure.
  19. WOOT! Using multitasking with pandora and KaW!!! Music as you play!!! WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!