Reg couldn't help but laugh at the irony with star, ignoring her 'stasis' and laughing so hard she started to cough, since she was recpvering from Bronchitis. Out Srsly recovering fro Bronchitis and srsly cough wen i laugh too much lol. I prbly spelled Bronchitis wrong In
Reg celebrates but evil homework drags her away while she is blowing up a balloon, and now the poor balloon will never be blown up.
Star looked at Reg. He fired a single shot towards her. She got lucky and it went over her shoulder. "Oops. I missed." He says, his tone indicating it probably wasn't an accident.
Reg through a pile of homework at Star, and the homework began to attack him with papercuts and impossible question.
Star walked to the center of the cafe. "You all better calm down." Star said, raised a button he was holding, "Nuclear bombs are dangerous. Even attempt to hurt me and I'll fire."
"Hiya!" Lady says, ninja kicking the wall. She tries her best to keep a straight face, despite her pained foot, but is unsuccessful. "Son of a banshee!" Out According to my friend, when I'm fifteen-ish she and my other friend will take me to England for an innocence crushing trip. Apparently I have to much innocence. I'm not sure how that's gonna go down with my mom... In
-Out- That's... Interesting. -In- Star stood still in the center of the cafe, Nuclear strike on standby.
Cheese was horrible at keeping promises, and he crashed through the ceiling, leaving BLOOD ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!! "It's fine, just a flesh wound!" The living pincushion said.
Reg glared at cheese, then smiled as she thought about what Irin would do to him when she saw the blood. Then Reg nommed some cereal ciz she felt like it.