The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Star darts into the cafe wearing a light disguise.

    "They added a nuclear self-destruct and blame me for it?" Star yells, "I've been accused of terrorism!"

    He pauses for a short moment, "or at least... The false identity I used to order it."
  2. "I did not understand what you just said, but I am seriously thinking about licking the coffee off the floor. What say you?" Lady asks, eyeing the coffee spill.
  3. Star pulls out a spray bottle and squirts lady with water before he cleans up the floor, including the spill. "Bad Lady!"

    And in response to lady's question, he shows her a video of the enormous aerial explosion that happened the previous night.
  4. Ooc//
    I've edited chapter 4: time warp
    for those who don't know and added a future part to it!
    and added a new paragraph to the PAST part!
    I'm also about to edit chapter one!
  5. "Ooooh. Pretty explosion. I don't like getting sprayed." Lady says
  6. Star squirts lady again.

    "No caffine!" He yells.

    He hoped he didn't end up spraying the spirit...
  7. "I like caffeine!" Lady protested, trying to grab the spray bottle from star.
  8. Reg runs into the cafe and tackles the first person she sees for no apparent reason, a xrazed look in her eyes.
  9. Reg then sprays lady, because it looks like fun.
  10. Spirit Lady takes over. She and Lady have gotten to be friends and she can see lady is in need of some help. Spirit lady grabs the spray bottle, squirts Reg once, and Star twice, then she lets Lady have control again. Lady smiles.
  11. Reg glares at lady, the crazed look still in her eyes, and mercilessly sprays her.
  12. Cheese gets up off the floor suddenly, and fires several loud shots from his revolver.

    All goes quiet...


    Then he drank a whole barrel of Writer's Rum, and crashed to the floor.
  13. Stora walks in and notices Cheese on the floor.
    Taking her new broom she whacks Cheese on the head several times with an evil smile.
  14. Reg laughs and joins Stora, whacking cheese with a mop.
  15. "oh what the heck" riddle goes and joins them.
  16. But noone notices that Bob, Cheese's servant who noone notices, was creeping up on them with a sword of demonic power.

    "Get ooooff of heeeeem"
  17. And noone noticed Cheese's hand reach towards his pistol, which he had dropped.
  18. The sound of dual laser pistols filled the cafe. One hit bob and the other sent cheese's piStol flying.

    "Not today." He said bravely, putting a gun to his head
  19. Lady walks in, her hair in a braid, she looks miserable. Ignoring the usual mayhem of the café she sits down on a stool and tries to pull the braid out of her hair.

    "Why does the spirit that possesses me insist on annoying me? We were getting along well!" Lady says quietly. "I need a dog." She says randomly.
  20. Cheese suddenly exploded into a clou of ashes, which rematerialized a few feet away.

    Cheese's sword Godslayer was pressed against Star's throat.

    "Do that again, and your head will never see your body again."