Guide to growing quick

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by thepieman, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. This is a guide to help you grow quick if you are just starting and can be used later on (part of it) but after a while it won't be growing quick anymore...

    please work please work.... talking about the size thing for the text


    At the very start of the game of course get a huge volley and upgrade AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE... duh

    Also join a clan

    Once again, please work....


    Now you cost a lot and you have half decent stats from your volley by building forges and all that junk if you haven't already done too much DO QUESTS. Not only are they a quick way of getting money, they can get you nobility points and health crystals when you master them, and later on you can get huge money bonuses from mastering. At the start the money bonuses aren't very big. Anyway, if you want to speed this part up, use the crystals so you can keep doing more quests. Upgrade as you master the quests and get a large enough amount of money from that, or if you can just while you are doing quests. Once the quests get so challenging that you maybe only succeed a few times every time you use all your troops on it, go to the next part…

    Oh ya, save a bit of money from this for the next part

    If you haven't yet JOIN A CLAN


    By now, the quests are too hard to do so those no longer are getting you much money, otherwise go back to step 2 and do more, or do them while you do this, either way works. Now if you followed the instructions from part 2, you should have a bit of money right now. Guess what, now your doing the OPPOSITE of what you did when you were a tiny little guy that costed 50k. Yup, buy allies. That's what the extra saved money was for. If I remember correctly, you get 105% cash back when someone buys your ally right? There you go, your getting money when you allies get bought, so each time you can buy a more expensive ally. Based on how much money you saved that amount going up may go faster or slower so if you didn't save much this step might take a while. So you keep buying allies and they get sold so you buy a more expensive one and that goes on for a bit. This is when you want to attack people a lot more than before, because not only is the cost of your ally/allies going up, his/their plunder bonus is going up. This is also a good time to get more involved in wars and things like that, now that you are getting big plunder bonus and then if you win the war you get money from that also to buy more allies or upgrade if you can. Soon enough you will have big allies for stat bonuses AND plunder bonuses. Keep these allies and check to make sure they won't reset, and these will help you for the rest of the time you play KAW.

    (I know this long but it's almost over )

    Also if you haven't joined a clan you you fail JOIN A CLAN


    Now you have a few big allies you are at the point where you need to do a few different things.

    1. Start joining pwars because you will be able to get good plunder from the osfs thanks to your allies and soldier plunder now.

    2. If you haven't started already, (which you are free to do earlier if you want it doesn't really matter when you start doing this at all) volley people. If you read the step with all the ally stuff you should be able to guess that you will benefit from this either way. Either you get a good ally, or you get money from it. This is a nice way to get money/big allies.

    3. If your clan doesn't do many wars, try to see if you can get an admin position so you can start organizing some wars so you can get some cash if you win.

    Thanks for reading!
    (This is my first guide tell me how I did please! )

    Results may very based on events that may occur during steps such as farming and stripping
  2. Cmon this guide took me a long time has anyone even looked at it yet?  I'm gonna go advertise it... Oh WAIT I CAN'T CUZ IM NOT ON A COMPUTER....
  3. Wait there is one
  4. And are you saying I copied and pasted?!?! This is mine I made it whaddaya mean I copied it????
  5. Too many people trying to be mods sad really
  6. Crap crap crap I did a bunch of posts crap crap how did so many come up GET THE OTHER TWO OFF PLEASE GET EM OFF

    I'm in trouble aren't I....
  7. One thing that you should have put on here is a warning against farming. I'm on reset number 3. Farmers have gotten bad and they in turn get farmed themselves. Very uncool to farm ppl
  8. lmfao quit whining bones
  9. a good one! thx hey!
  10. tl: dr

    Condensed version:

    Step 1: Download Kingdoms at War
    Step 2: Beg for hires in world chat (wait until about 100m)
    Step 3: Start buying lands
    Step 4: Start attacking other players and/or do quests
    Step 5: Buy allies
    Step 6: Repeat step four (4) through six (6)


    Step 7: Join a clan, and put a further strain on the games' economy with "plunder" wars.

    I hope this condensed version makes more sense than the mashes of "guides" on the forums. KaW isn't complicated. It's created so that nine year olds can understand it.
  11. Ok. From step one you were wrong

    Let me teach you:
    Step one. Get vollied, then use all that money to continue volleying other people to maximize your money. Then start buying ****.
  12. I dont speak lazy english cousin. Try again
  13. yeah hes f*ing caeser