Out -.- Ur tied up TIGHT in unbreakable ropes In an unbrakable chair And wen u disappeared u appeared in a dungeon with the chair chained to the wall. Thats not easy Thats some complicated magic! -.- In
Star slowly enters the cafe, pushing a large block of stone. He slides it to the center and goes to his seat.
-IN- The newcomer, who's name is still unknown, stumbles in. Her usually colorful and flowing robes are torn and splattered with mud. The book she usually holds is not present, save a few torn pages. She collapses to her knees, murmurs something that perhaps was suppose to heard by others, and falls unconscious.
As Unknown girl falls unconscious, Lady wakes up from her faint. She sees said girl and pours her cold mug of coffee on her face in an effort to wake her up. When this fails to work lady gets up and leaves the café to go and observe the Smoothie shop which is under construction across the street. Unfortunately, it's not even close to being finished.
Star was suprised no one noticed the giagantic block of stone in the cafe. He made a fake cough to try and get their attention.
Meanwhile, back in KaW where gods didn't waltz around like it was normal... Cheese was waiting for another Writer's rum. Bob was busy vaporizing and rebuilding himself in the corner.
Reg looked at the stone and snapped her fingers and the bliok of stone... Did nothing. While everybody was wondering what Reg did, tiny little creatures that were too small to be seen crawled onto everybody, and Reg smiled.
Reg through a Wirter's rum at cheese and snapped her fingers, causing the rum to splash onto cheese's face and then disappear. She laughed mockingly as cheese's face turned red with fury.
Reg took out her magic healing water and healed, then mumbled a spell that caused cheese to burst into magical flames which only Reg could stop.