Ooc// You can't do that star, water may be a good conductor of water but, electric eels giving off electricity would die if electricity repelled water! That hit totally KO'ed you lol! Bic// “What kind of deviltry are you dabbling in now Star,you wicked man! Your powers didn't make that water go back someone else did…It was Irin wasn't it,with he evil fire abilities!” said Jerad, shivering at the thought of fire being near him.
Meanwhile, in the corner, Cheese sits at the booth, drinking a heavy mug of Writer's Rum. He thinks to himself, 'I deserve a medal. A good medal, for being the only one in KaW named Cheesemuffin' As he thinks this, he orders a bagel.
*not Storytelling What's this about powers and stuff? *storytelling again While waiting for his bagel, Cheese look at his open palm, in which a small black cloud was forming.
Stora walks in and let's out a cage of rabbits into the cafe. "Happy Chinese New Year!" Stora yells happily
Reg walks in, sees Jerad and Riddle, and glares at Star for letting riddle free. Quickly, she used her magic mirror to see what she had missed, then ties riddle to ANOTHER chair with unbreakable ropes, but this time the chair is unbrakable, and the ropes are extremely tight. Then, remembering what Jerad had said, Reg chants a spell and Jerad bursts into flames of magic fire. Reg wad known for her cruelty when dealing with fire torture.
Cheese finished his mug of Writer's Rum, finally, after all these hours. As he waited for a refill, he observed the fire torture, and Bob popped out of his hand. Cheese threw Bob at Reg, just for the hell of it.
Star sees Jerad burning on the floor. He decides to help him. Too bad throwing him hatd against the window telepathically doesn't help.
Reg dodges Bob and confiscates his sharp thing, then gives the sharp thing to Bobina and throws Bobina at Cheese. Out I thought u hated rps cheese This isnt story telling its a 3rd person rp similar to a story In
Reg giggles as she watches Star throw Jerad at the window in her magic mirror. She makes the mirror replay what happened again and again.
Jerad could tell he was dying, as he died he heard the cruel laughter of star above him. Just then Feather walked in, when Jerad saw him he died his powers now in a new body…Feather's.
-Out- Cool! Sorry about killing Jerad. Don't make Irin that mad EVER... -In- The coffin arrived. It was a special hovering one that would protect against decomposition for the time. "Poor Jerad." Star paused for a moment then nearly Collapsed, "Wait. He's a god... His friends won't be happy."
Star looked at Jerad and slowly stepped backwards, Fully loaded blaster pistols up, Dual sabers at his side.
Meanwhile, Cheesemuffin was snowboarding, and he realized he felt sick... The cold sickness would prevent him from writing the next chapter of revolution! :Scared:
Reg smiles. She didn't know she was powerful enough to kill a god! Reg opens her magic book and chants a spell, and the cafe turns into... A HUGE PARTY!!!