Reg comes back, mutters something So quietly nobody notices, and suddenly "riddle" is screaming in pain, each scream louder than the last. It was the most terrible thing anybody had ver heard. The corners of Reg's lips cirved upward into a grim smile.
Another new comer comes into the Cafe, wearing long flowing robes in every color and carrying a large book in her arm. She raises an eyebrow Reg and the screaming.
"Oops. I returned my book to the library... And it has the perfect French thing to say! I was going to memorize it!" Sadly, Reg's magic book didn't have any spells that made books fly out of the library and float into the cafe.
Reg smikes at the newcer. That was the one who had taught Reg the spell, after all, and strangely, Reg wasn't surprised that their paths were crossing once again.
"Oh Reg," the newcomer says shaking her head. With a wave of her hand and a few whispers the screaming stops and Riddle collapses to the floor in a heap. "Why use a spell to hurt someone?"
Stora suddenly grabs Riddle's arm and flings him across the room. picking up her broom she flicks a hand. The broom turns into a wand. "Now let's see what you can do Jerad!" Stora says wickedly "Je suis un hypocrite"
"Reg,you think your powerful you haven't even seen powerful" Jerad yells, and starts creating tornadoes made of water (-out- like when a tornado goes over a lake it begins splitting apart and creates even more tornadoes called "Sisters" -in-) all heading towards Irin before she could start yelling about the hole in the floor and roof!
"Then why did you teach me the spell?" asks Reg, ready for a fight, since nobody ever knew what to expect from this newcomer.
The newcomer stares calmly at the tornadoes whirling around the Cafe. She whispers a word under her breath and the nearest one evaporates into mist.
Reg shakes her head at this primitive form of magic, mumbles a few words, and the "water tornado" or w/e turns into a flock of doves, which fly out the broken window and the hole in the roof.
"Mist?" asks Reg. "I was expecting something like raindrops or magic dust, but one never knows what to expect from you."
"Spells are merely for learning," the newcomer says, ignoring the comment. Whispering a group of words the roof slowly repairs. "Spells for direct violence are last resort."
-OUT- Foul Play!!! You can't just get rid of my tornadoes like that,only i can! (y'all are kinda,a little, a bit, controlling my character by doing that )