The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. -OUT-
    Hmm maybe just set up a schedule for it now then cause we don't want people thinking we're shady,seeing as we were so against RP!
  2. Riddle walks in with a sly grin on his face. "hows it going."
  3. Well, our roleplay was more fancy and civilized. Almost like it was a roleplay in a collaborated third person story.
  4. Hmm,nm just that i put a big hole in the roof :)
  5. I like y'alls roleplay it is like a 3rd person story honestly like u said.
  6. -In-
    Star took a good look at riddle. There was a click, and 2 guns were pointed at riddle's head.

    "Imposter." He said.
  7. Reg grins at Star and noms a croissant.
  8. out

    is i a noob? :eek:

  9. -Out-

    I'm refering to most of the people after you.

  10. "what gave it away?" riddle asks calmly.
  11. Star points to a small electronic device.

    "I have spy cams everywhere." He tells him.
  12. out

    good lol


    "Well, first of all, you weren't being annoying and overdramatic," began Reg. "And also, Riddle had a scar on his wrist. You don't."
  13. "so what now." he asks.
  14. Star turns up the audio and plays a line on repeat.

    "Verbal confession." He says. "I'll let you live now."
  15. An evil smirk appears on his face. "and what's stopping me from killing you?"
  16. "The sniper across the street." He tells "riddle".
  17. "This," says Reg calmly, and magical ropes come out of the floor and tie the impostor to a chair. The ropes could not be broken, and were wrapped tightly around the fake riddle. "Now, you'll tell us what we want to know, before it's too late." As Reg spoke, the ropes began getting a little bit tighter, and would eventually become too tight and kill the impostor.
  18. "oh. Ummmm. Ya. I guess so...." he quickly starts tipping his wrist.
  19. "so what do you want to know"