Irin took one of Gloomi's hands, then tried to heal the cuts and bruises. But Irin was never good at healing, and she feared that she did nothing to help her friend.
Star mentally curses as the spell is lifted. "We have to help her!" He yells. He bandages the wounds and puts pressure on them.
GlooMi nods in thanks, and raises her hands to the sky. The dragon's majestic wings shrivel, causing both the beast and it's rider to begin their descent to earth.
Before she left, the girl looked at GlooMi and said, "This could have been avoided if you didn't make me lift the 'curse.' Your friend would have healed, and been okay. But now... now, she might not survive." The girl flew away, and a few minutes later, returned, followed by many dragons, of various shapes sizes and colors. "But then again, she might live," said the girl. These dragons were Healing Dragons, and had healing powers.The girl loved life, and so did the dragons, and they could not let somebody die. The Healing Dragons went to work, and when they were finished, GlooMi was covered in bandages, and still looked very injured. "She should be okay," said the girl. "We would have been able to heal her more, but you would have called it a 'curse' and yelled at me to undo it."
Irin suddenly remembered a spell that might help. She tightened her grip on Gloomi's hand then said the words. She knew in a moment that it was successful. Instantly, Irin felt light headed. But it was worth it. Irin had just transfered some of her energy to Gloomi. It should help her fight for life.
out gloomi, thats not me and fix me? y does the girl need fixing? lol in Suddenly Reg walks out of the forest, and gapes at the chaos around her. Then she sees the girl, and stares, not knowing what to say. Because the girl looked exactly like Reg.
GlooMi bared her teeth visciously at the dragons. "You BEASTS! Get your scaly paws OFF!" she shrieked. GlooMi detested dragons and their pitiful earth magic. Oog: Regran please do not control my character. BiG.
Reg immediatley has her sword in front of the girl's throat. "Now, can somebody please tell me, WHO IS THIS?" out now anybody can control "the girl." in
Irin looked at Jerad, rubbing her head, wondering why he would do that. But she knew she was needed elsewhere. Irin jumped to her feet, nearly falling over again, and drew her sword.
The girl glares at everybody. She had been trying to help, but once again, everybody was attacking her.
GlooMi shrugged indifferently as she got to her feet and dusted herself off. "how would I have any idea?"
“I just simply shut down her brain so Irin's body can regain it's strength,Star.” Jerad said. “Oh and good evening/night everyone”