VOM guide to FARMING

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -KingConquer-, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Veil Of Maya's
    Guide to FARMING

    Farming is attacking Another player repeatedly over 5 Times in a 24 hour period in order to gain MONEY or simply to gain BRAGGING rights "yeah I just farmed Hairylemon for being a NOOB, yeah I'm cool"


    Farming can be provoked, either by trash talking or Just being a noob.
    There still a couple of those people
    who farm just for FUN, and that's okay.

    When a attack build farms another player

    Spy farming is when a person STEALS more than 5 times. It is the MOST safest type of farming, they can't get caught unless THEY FAIL.

    STRIP FARMING is considered the most SERIOUS offense that anyone can do in this game,
    still it isn't breaking the TERMS OF SERVICE. strip farming is when A PERSON buys the VICTIMS allies in order to free up the money the victim has out and then FARM them, usually with the help of other FARMERS.

    SPAM FEED or often called "SCOUTBOMBING"
    Players can SPAM the NEWS FEED by SCOUTING the person getting farmed ENOURMUS amount of times so the player won't KNOW they have been farmed, it is one of the safest methods to do after you have done your farming, Granted that they are not active.


    REGULAR FARM is just a player who is just modestly trying to get bigger and might get a little irritated if you farm them. But it depends on the character of the player.

    CLAN FARM is when a whole clan farms a player, usually that happens when a person attacks the clans OSF without permission, or when a outside KINGDOM farms a player in the clan, depends on the case.

    TAG-TEAM FARM is when two players farm another kingdom by taking turns,
    FARMER A farms the victim until he runs out of troops,
    then FARMER B farms the victim while FARMER A regens and it goes on like that...
    BUT in some cases both farmers farm at once.

    ANNOYING FARM is a player who keeps annoying people on worldchat and/or forums, by spamming useless threads and basically annoying everybody beyond the point of no return.

    NOOB FARM is the most annoying one, they spam WORLDCHAT with "omg help me im getting farmed" and they endlessly SPAM the forums with "help me" threads. AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS.

    INACTIVE FARM is a player who has quit the game and it's the safest PLAYER to farm because they OBVIOUSLY won't do Anything about it.

    STRONG FARM is a player who has a LOT of friends and has STRONG clan members, I urge you not to farm these people, or you'll risk a ALL OUT STRIP WAR.

    Is a player who has no SPY stats that allows THEMSELVS to be STOLEN either for a PLUNDER war or for Worldchat

    Is a player who has no attack or defense stats who allows themselvs to be attacked , either for PLUNDER WARS or WORLDCHAT.

    Risks and Consequences of FARMING
    Farming can lead to retalliation by the Friends of the person you farmed, if the Farmèè has a strong clan expect to be Farmed. Usually they just warn you first. But if you want some more fun, FARM THEM TOO 



    farm at your own risk
  2. Spam feed is also called scoutbombing and griefing, if you would like to add that.
  3. You forgot about the average person: the person that is best to farm.

    Osfs and oafs are supposed to be farmed so they don't count as farms. And as inactives don't care, they shouldn't count either.
  4. Oh yeah forgot about that sholron, I'll edit it when I get on my computer.
    Thank you.
  5. Bacon osf and oafs are still farms,

    I'll add the average player when I get on my computer, thank you for that catch.
  6. This is awesome!!!
  7. Wow this is amazing lol I love it :lol:
  8. Fixed the missing info :)
  9. this crap is gold
  10. i need feedback please, its my first Guide.
  11. Haha I like noob farms
  12. I like farming guys who make stupid comments in the forum, could their be like vendetta farming or you put your foot in your mouth farming?
  13. lol farming is fun. :lol:
  14. Good Job
  15. Omg dillybar posted ! 
  16. Remember to add a section on stripping.