The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. there r a lot of useless threads and rps r creative y did the devs decide to move us off at?
    maybe if so many ppl hadnt complained nothing would have happened >.<
  2. Has anyone noticed that wherever cheese goes he causes conflict.

    My opinion? He should stfu and let those who actually can do something work it out.
  3. And when did you play a part in the Writers Cafe?

    I thought you were only in TN3U. Go away
  4. Maybe, maybe not.
    You never know what would have happened. Maybe the same result as now.
    I admit, I created an rp thread before(though I never intentioned it to become one.)
    But arguing about it won't get us anywhere. We all agree that moving fanfic off AT hurt RP's and Stories alike.
    So we have a simlar goal. If you don't agree then I have no more to say.
  5. I agree
    thats exactly what i am trying to say
    but i bad at showing people what i mean>.<
  6. Very well, then I hope I cleared something up.
  7. Stora is right.

    And whats funny is that DELPHIN was the one who told me to take action, and that's the exact reason I don't do anything. Nothing I've ever done. EVER. has had any effect.

    Obviously, noone has ever cared about my opinion.

    So... Doesn't that technically make me able to do anything freely?
  8. @cheese yes but then that's the difference between noobs, newbs, and veterans.(I think)
  9. There is. A big difference
  10. Not that I'm calling u a noob or newb. But the way ppl act is what sets KaW players apart.
    For example, I might have been in KaW longer than Ryol but I respect him more than anything
  11. But don't tell him that
  12. I am only 20 anti-me posts to quitting.
  13. Dont quit cheese. It's hard. Trust me
    If u ask me u made your mark in KaW.
    P.S. Revolution is amazing, don't quit or I won't find out what happens
  14. any suggestions?
  15. It's been a while since I was in these forums... Hmmm
  16. bro
  17. Sorry... Do I know you?
  18. Nah. I wasn't really active when you were.