It is called The Colosseum. Coralie's POV I opened my eyes. Slowly, all of my senses came back to me, as if they had been lost in the wind. First sight, and I saw the white room all around me. Then came taste, though I wish it could have waited, because all that I tasted was bile. Then smell, and hearing, and lastly, touch. Three faces peered over me, one a clean-shaven young man, one an older gentleman, and one a pretty blond woman. It was the woman who spoke. "Coralie," she said. "Welcome to the world."
idk wat to do for my story >.< theres gonna be some sort of prophecy... but idk who the main character is! should she be a princess? a normal girl with a big destiny? an archangel? a princess who is an archangel? (if so did she know she was archangel b4 she forgot everything?) a normal girl who doesnt know she is archangel? or something else? idk >.<
who me? of course i do lol ive been in fanfic for longer than u think i just lurk a lot in fanfic lol
Darn you star... Lol Feather, you said something about editing the role? :/ Reg writes? WTF OMGLOLBBQ RANDOM
Thats weird... Reg writes, and yet she doesn't care if FanFic is back or not....... MY VISION OF REALITY HAS BEEN FLIPPED 180°
i want the stories and rps to live in harmony -.- u know nothing about wat i care about and also, THIS ISNT REAL!!!! i can still write we can ALL write and show our rl friends our stories
Funny, how they CANNOT COEXIST. RP's took FF of Active Topics. If you want them to coexist, MOVE RPS SOMEWHERE ELSE. FanFic hater
They can coexist if we TRY instead, everybody is taking sides and arguing. And we didn't take it off AT. Haters like you took it off AT Rp hater Peace hater
I'm afraid I agree with cheese.And actually, I think remove it from AT made it worse. No AT = Less Haters = More people making RP
actually, a lot of RPs died when it was removed from AT. And we didn't ask for it to get moved. It got moved because of the haters. Maybe if there had been one less hate thread... just one less... thinkgs would have been different. Maybe if cheese hadn't made that hate thread... *sigh* And Star, I remember you were in three RPs, the same ones I was/am in.
No offense regram but i don't think it was because of haters. It was because RP's are being posted on a lot therefore always putting it AT. Dunno why the devs decided it was a problem though....
just CHECK THE FF THREAD LIKE I DO how come i know when the stories r updated? JUST TRY HARDER and stop blaming us, cuz it was partially ur fault too cheese. u made hate threads. u used to rp u tried to come back but when we didnt like how op u were u had a tantrum and now u r trying to destroy us all.