Link to All Links, Guide to all Guides:

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DarkFalcon, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Can't remember where that one guide went? Have a question, but don't know where to find the answer? Then this is the place for you! I've collected a bunch of guides and a couple of links, so here's what ie collected so far:
    Stickied Guides:

    KaW FAQ

    Forum/World Chat Rules

    Transfer/Linking Guide

    Forum Behavior

    KaW Handbook

    KaW Dictionary

    Beginner's FAQ

    KaW Tips 

    Guide to Ally Ownership

    Advanced Guide to Espionage 

    Regular Guides:

    Color, Font, and Picture Guide

    Toast's Guide to Quests

    Dillybar's Guide to Quests

    Building Guide

    Beginner's Guide to Warring

    Full KaW Warring Guide

    Links to Mod's Forum Profiles:






    (I don't know why you would want them, but whatever)
  2. Please Post Your Thoughts!

  3. Thats a good idea, very helpful :)
  4. A link to the website for rainbow threads would be good. Also, I skimmed, but did you leave out tmh's guide to ally ownership and dillybar's kaw dictionary?
  5. Aparently I skim too fast 
  6. Very useful
  7. Tjis should be stickies now..
  8. I'll add the Question Thread and the rainbow website as soon as I get on the comp.
  9. Why am I linked last in mods :s
  10. Because it took me forever to find your link.
  11. How I'm in like everythread O_O
  12. Cowlegend, tmh, and corinthian all made guides. To find Kool, I looked for locked threads. You took some searching...