The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. "what are these stupid things they call doors? How do you open them? there starting to annoy me." Luke thinks to himself.
  2. Pink jumped up from her chair and ran over to the couch...
  3. Pink sprinkles sone water on Jesse "who!?"
  4. "pull the handle down luke" David shouts over his shoulder with a quick smile, but turns grim again as her tends to jessie's wounds.
  5. Did he read my mind? Ok pull the handle. Luke bit the handle and pulled down opening the door.
  6. Pink waved her hands frantically "hey! Ur trying to open a door!? Look!? She said someones coming!?"
  7. David puts an onitmemt onto jessie's wounds, "they'll fade soon" he says into air "& luke don't eat all the meat" he adds as an after thought
  8. Luke walks in and goes to the sink. Great another stupid human object. Climbing up he turned on the cold water. Glad I learned how to do that a long time ago.
  9. New story lol
  10. Pink paces around the sofa.. "who's coming!?"
  11. Jessie wake up slowly and sits up.

    "It's them. They've found me."
  12. Luke comes back into the room and lays downs.
  13. "why would they find u jesse?"
  14. Pink puts her hand near Luke palms up..
  15. Luke sniffed her palm then turns and goes outside.
  16. Shadow walks in "did anyone order pizza? bcause a guy with a bloody ax says he s delivering pizza? ok ill just kill him!" Shadow slashes with Shadowspirit and shatters the man soul, putting him in an eternal sleep
  17. Luke comes back dragging a deer.
  18. Pink calmly wonders why ppl r so violent these days..
  19. keegan cries because his gf is leaving kaw.