The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. "Do I have to spell it out?" David asks clearly, "I am the wolf, the wolf is a part OF my soul" he starts laugh, he enjoys getting reg flustered, it's just pure entertainment to him.
  2. Reg slaps him and this time she actually HURTS him.
  3. Riddle comes back with raw meat. "Here you go Luke." riddle says giving the food to Luke. Luke starts eating slowly.
  4. To pink too it was total entertainment to see reg turn red..
  5. David doesn't mind, he just continues to laugh
  6. Reg is always red.
    Her face is naturally pink.
    Especially since she has Dragon Pox.


    seriously my face is always red for no reason lol
    and i really am sick and my face is redder when i sick
  7. Reg tapes David's mouth shut.
  8. Pink stares at David flabbagastered (see told u I'm intelligent.. I think that's a word..?)
  9. out

    Reg doesn't think pink knows wat flabbergasted means!!!
  10. David takes off the tape
    "um... No pink... Just no" he says in disbelife
  11. Out
    Umm ok so in kindergarten (I can't believe I remember) my teacher said that ment confused or something..
  12. Luke gos over to David staring with a confused face.
  13. Um why am I the only one on tn3u
  14. Out
    Ok ima fix that since u ppl r sooo smart.. PINK LOOKED AT DAVID WITH CONFUSION. happy?
  15. Out
    In disbelief? Why? lol
  16. David rubs luke's ear and winks

    lol I can't spell but still pink, saying a word i was taught in year 3 doesn't some how cut it  jk

  17. "he must like you David. it normally takes a couple weeks for him to even let someone pet him."riddle says.
  18. out

    lol luke likes me too!

    Reg looks at the full moon, gasps, and runs out of the cafe.

    i gtg bye!

  19. ENOUGH

    *raises sword a little

    Any questions...?