Redelle stands up quickly from her sitting position and stands uneasily, her fingers twitching as she itches to reach for the sword strapped to her back.
Reg stares at the light, then gapes at David. "...Why?...." she thinks, and her thoughts are sent to him.
David draws his katana in one quick fluid motion..."I suggest you sit" his voice cold & bleak, no emotion
David pirroets on his left foot bringing his right up, which hits the swords handle... Sending it flying.
Reg's hand shoots up and catches the sword by the blade. A single drop of blood comes out of her finger. She catches the blood, puts it on the blade of David's katana, and runs outisde towards the light. She pauses uncertainly, waiting for David to follow.
Redelle doesn't hesitate for one moment. She dives for her sword and grabs it quickly. She scrambles back into a defensive stance.
"If it wasn't you then.... who?" She whispers, so softly that only she could possibly hear. But David heard too, and shrugged.
Reg giggles. "How could you possibly do that if I already caught it?" With that, she uses Obscurity to trip Redelle, and ties her up with solid iron, which should be impossible to move... but Reg had bent it.
David fakes left and flips to the leftlanding behind Re... Looks at reg quickly "could it be her? He asks
"No... it can't..." Reg whispers, her delicate voice filled with fear. She involuntarily shuddered, thinking about the last time they had faced her...
Reg waves to Riddle, then runs toward the light, followed by David. She knew she would probably die... "Atleast I got a new body before I die..." she smiled grimly, then jumped impossibly high in the air and slashed with LumiBlade. She has no idea why she did that, she thought it would just look cool and dramatic, and it did. She hears a scream, and realizes that her random lash had actually hit someone.... or something....