The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Redelle sighs in boredom. She puts her sword away and takes a dagger she keeps hidden away. She begina to sharpen that too.
  2. The stranger looks through the magical artefact section and smiles at the pictures of her own weapons, LumiBlade and Obscurity.
    Everybody wonders why Reg hasn't been here in a few days.
  3. The book begins to glow and Reg eagerly flips to the index, where there are words that weren't there before. She flips to a page that wasn't there before, and reads enthusiastically.
  4. In
    Stares at the book strangely
  5. "What does it take for something to happen here?" Redelle groans to herself as she puts her dagger away.
  6. The stranger giggles at the newcomer. "If only she knew..." She wonders why she hasn't seen the spirit take over lady since the compromise. She wonders what the spirit does during her 12 hours...
  7. In
    Starts to examine sword again
  8. David walks in, katana on his hip, a bag on his back & a lute in his hands... Nods to reg & sits down to play
  9. The stranger wonders how David recognized her in her new body, especially since she had never seen David before.


    i know u from tn3u but in the rp i havent met u

  10. Redelle casts a sidelong glance at the book but looks away uninterested. She drums her fingers rhythmically to the music from the lute.
  11. "Your spritual presence is the same, whatever body"
    David replys simply
  12. Reg stares straight ahead. She is perfectly stil and doesn't even blink. That's what she does when she's lost in thought. She wonders how a newcomer recognized her, when not even Star, Lady, or riddle recognized her.
  13. Reg giggles at the word spirit, remembering 2 days ago, when all she had been was a spirit.
  14. Reg is still confused, because she has never met David. Atleast, not in this life....
    She glances at him and an understanding passed between them.
    Her suspicions had been confirmed.
    "Hello," she said, the corners of her lips curved upwards.
  15. Redelle frowns as she stops drumming her fingers. Confusion is obvious on her face.
  16. Reg smiles, amused. *And she thought nothing happens here...* thinks Reg.
  17. In
    Spins the sword around
    "I wonder what kind of sword this"
  18. David's fingers stop, the last chord echos..."hello" he whispers back
  19. Reg glances at the sword. "It's a katana, just like mine. Katanas are made with very strong metal and cannot be borken."
  20. Reg nods at David, but then a light outside catches her attentioon.